Puerto Rico

We came to Puerto Rico on the dime of the company Willy works for; a celebration for his success – and the success of others – over the past year. It is a huge accomplishment and I’m so proud of him.
Nevertheless, it was hard the leave the kids behind. It was the first time, ever, that we’ve left the boys for longer than a weekend. Rewind to a few weeks before, when we were in Hawaii, and I would have paid someone – anyone – a large amount of money to pawn those rascals off on someone else. Especially on the flight. But we dealt with it, reaching deep into our jar of patience with the reality that we would soon get the break we needed when we left – alone – on our trip to Puerto Rico.
I tried not to think about the boys in a way that would take away from my treasured time with the man who helped me create them. And while we both spent time scrolling through photos of them, we did relax, unwind, and enjoy the time away.
I read a few words of advice to new moms somewhere recently and it hit home. I’m not one to usually shell out advice to new moms because I think there’s too much of it that gets floated around and – at times – can lead to an unhealthy standard of parenting. But that’s another topic. What this mom said rung so true, she said: Take time for yourself. Do enough for yourself. Treat yourself well. Because if you don’t, you’ll end up resenting the ones you love most.
I think it’s important for parents to relinquish any guilt they have in doing things for themselves. We all need – and deserve – not only time away, but time to nurture our relationships with our spouses and with ourselves. I broke out my favorite book, “The Fountainhead” and started to reread it. We listened to music. We sat in our rooms and did not a damn thing; it didn’t even bother me when Toddlers in Tiaras came on TV. There was one day that Willy didn’t get out of bed until 3pm.
It felt good to look at the man across the table from me, and him alone. No distractions. Next on the list, find a new babysitter in our new town.
*Also we got to take a short 8 minute flight to the island of Vieques where Willy met up with an elementary school friend who sailed from Texas to the tiny island 10 years ago, opened up a restaurant, and has yet to leave. Willy hadn’t seen him in 17 years so it was pretty cool to meet up with him and his beautiful wife, and son. Good

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12 Responses

  • What that mom said rings true for me and I am thankful you shared it. Last night I nearly lost it with my 3 year old son. I know I need to do more for me and struggle to figure out how. Thanks for sharing.

    • Easier said than done. It’s like when people suggest you should get more sleep… there just ain’t always time in the day…

  • really beautiful photos! i love the one of the accordion player…amazing!

    what a treat to go away alone! it doesn’t happen often for us but boy do we live it up when it does πŸ™‚

  • i think that’s so true about allowing time to yourself, not only that, but not feeling guilt because of it. i find without having time to ourselves as parents we have less patience and understanding for our children, it’s so important. i can only fantasise about a weekend away with my partner aha πŸ™‚
    beautiful photos as usual

    • So true, that mom guilt is killer. And also so true that the more we do for ourselves the more we are able to give. Thanks for the comment.

  • ooh lovely lovely photos – sounds like a great trip and yes more time to ourselves and together without the rug rats is a very good thing! I’m in love with the swimming costume and red dress – where are they from if you dont mind sharing?


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