Father’s Day

I’ve thought a lot about values as of late. I read something recently that said if you want to know what your values and priorities are, look to the last few weeks and see what your actions show you; how we spend our time, where we spend our money, the people we call, the books we read, the food we eat and so on and so forth all tell us something about ourselves, about our values and what we prioritize. This relationship between saying and doing has helped me so much in gaining a clear vision and understanding of myself, as well as of those around me.

Which brings me to my dad… a man that has forever shown me, not merely told me. A man who has accepted less for himself so he could provide more for my sister and I. A man that I’m happy to say I can go to for advice because I wholeheartedly trust his example.

He’s not perfect. He needs naps. He keeps tortilla chips in his pocket. He sometimes looks at me like my boys are savages. He’s referred to my home as appearing “lived in”. But he’s also picked up the windex and grabbed a towel to clean my dirty windows. And my boys ARE very savagy at times. And who doesn’t like to reach into their pocket and pull out a salty, crunchy tortilla chip topped with lint? And he’s much more patient with said savages when he’s had said nap. So ya, not perfect, but perfectly human.

Thank you, dad, for forever doing the work. Your willingness, your strength, your values… I see them clear as the sky.

And a shoutout to my mom, my rock, who worked so hard behind the scenes – often unacknowledged and under-represented – so that my sister and I could come away with the memories of our dad that we do.

I also want to make space today for anyone that may be triggered by Father’s Day. I know as a newly single mom that I stumble through parts of it. To anyone in the struggle, whatever your struggle may be, there’s space for you.

Pandemic Ponderings

Hindsight always holds the truth. That’s why if I could rewind to where I was two months ago with the knowledge and experience I have today, just two months later, I would have advised myself of the following:

-Of course this feels impossible, what’s being asked of you is not possible. You can’t do it all, you already know that, so stick to what you can do, when you can do it, and do it well. One step, then the other.

-In regards to your healing and your personal work: it’s hard, sure, but it’s harder if you don’t. No one is saying you have spare time to fit this stuff in but it sure makes things on your plate easier to handle when you make the conscious effort to fit it in. You’re worth it.

-There’s chaos around you and it comes in all forms. You don’t need to deny its existence but you also don’t need to open the door when it comes knocking. You control the door, close it when you need to.

-What feels overwhelming and awkward today will feel doable and comfortable in the coming days. It’s a learning curve; remember that you don’t have to project yesterday’s shortcomings onto tomorrow’s possibilities. It doesn’t get easier but you do get better.

-Quick list of pros: getting to spend all this time with my boys has really made me realize how much I enjoy them; they’re my kids first, but they’re also my friends and a part of me is sure to miss this time with them when normal life resumes. Not having to get up and stress about getting everyone dressed and fed and out the door in what feels like lightening speed is nice. Cuddling in the bed in the morning is better than any other way I can imagine to start a day. Finding creative ways to spend our time. Exercising together. Mid-day, mid-week trips to the beach. And photographing this time, on my real camera, feels good. In general, changing the “I have to” to “I get to” has done a world of change to my perspective.

Speak your truth

Years ago I was exiting a bad relationship I had kept bottled up inside me for too long. A dear friend listened to my story and responded with, “closed mouths don’t get fed”. It’s stuck with me ever since. Sharing the bits and pieces I have here has fed me. There is no value so great as the value to be heard, to be seen, and to submerge myself in my own truth. And to connect; even if it’s through nothing more than relatability, shared experience. There are definitely those that are bothered by what I share here and by what I don’t share here, too. Divorce has a way of silencing parts of your life and delusion has a way of making that silence out to be whatever delusion wants it to be. The truth of the matter is that I only feel comfortable sharing my story; the story where I am in the driver’s seat and not the story where I’m being driven. And by driven, I’m referring to merely responding to the behaviors of others for which I have no control over other than the way in which I respond. Or don’t. And so, I choose to stay in my lane as best I can with progress-not-perfection being my motto.

Sharing the bits and pieces that I do has been cathartic for me. As someone who was struggling to trust their own reality, sharing my truth and seeing the words on a screen or hearing the words come out of my mouth creates a beautiful acceptable and an incredible release.

I read a post yesterday by @holly that said, “It is not your job to convert people to your way of thinking. It is your job to speak your truth so that others may find theirs. She went on to discuss how so many of us stay silent out of fear. The whole platform of instagram makes it easy for us to confuse the purpose of why it’s so important to share our truths — so easy to get caught up in likes and supportive comments (aka external validation when the real validation we ought to be seeking is internal). While those are all niceties, we must not lose sight of why we ought to share; that in speaking our truths, we are inviting others to speak theirs. It’s a way not only of owning our reality but in perhaps helping others own theirs. Many thanks to @holly for that reminder.

And so share! Share! Share! Do not let others have a hand in telling you what your truth is. Find it for yourself, own it, and share it. In the words of Oprah, “Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have”. I always tell my boys, don’t give away your power. It doesn’t matter if what you share sits right with anyone other than yourself.

Remember, closed mouths… they don’t get fed.


Life can feel so disjointed. I’ve been rather silent here for a plethora of reasons but one is that time is so segmented; never lending itself to the completion of any one task let alone a single thought. It’s not any one thing – it never is – but rather an assortment of circumstances that get fed into the old funnel and spit out the nasty truth that things these days happen little by little or not at all.

It all feels like a tag-team effort; two hands meeting in the air as one parent steps out and the other steps in. Willy and I were just talking about our dear friends who seemingly spend so much time together doing mundane things, like picking up their kids from school. We were laughing thinking about how unrealistic things like that are for us nowadays. We’re always trading or handing off, but so rarely get time all together anymore. Which seems baffling considering we both work predominantly from home. One would think that the time we spend together would be abundant.

The struggle to find a balance – regardless of what it is your balancing – is always real. For us, it’s managing a household of three young boys that all require an abundance of attention in addition to managing a growing business where the needs and demands are ever-changing.

I read the Bernstein Bear books to the kids often, just as my mom read to my sister and I when we were young. Reading them now, as a mother, brings them into a whole new context and I find that my entire tone changes when I read mama bear’s part in the book as if to highlight the fact whatever struggle we’re reading about – being kind and polite, keeping a clean house, lying about something that happened, watching too much TV etc – is indeed a similar, if not the same, struggle we just experienced in our own home. In any event, I channeled Mama Bear when I insisted that we all get out out of dodge for spring break and spend sometime away from home, work, and with each other.

We spent Easter with Willy’s side of the family and then booked it up to Payson, Arizona. A small, rink-a-dink town that I’m sure has a killer rodeo at some point in the year and perhaps the biggest Wal-Mart I ever did see. I wouldn’t say it was the end all, be all; the struggles of parenting are there no matter where you are, but it was nice to have a change of scenery. Even, if for nothing more, that wondrous hour in the car when all the kids are asleep, your favorite music is on in the background, the road ahead seems to go on forever, and the you can actually talk to the man you love.


The Bee & The Fox

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any sort of shop happenings or updates; partly because I can’t keep up and – ironically enough – partly because nothing happens as quickly as I would like. It’s all pretty piece parted together; a very learn-as-we-go endeavor. But we’re working on making some big changes and I hope to share more of that as it happens.

In the meantime. we’re having a Mother’s Day sale that ends today — so get it while the gettin’ is good — use code MAMA10 for 10% off any order or code MAMA20 for 20% off your order of $50 or more.

And, as always, many thanks to those of you who have supported our small business.

Sonny @ 21 Months

Growth & Appearance: Your hair is getting long, it’s past the base of your neck and unless we put it up, it’s caked with food and whatever else. You don’t mind having your hair put up but you hate having it brushed (due to said food caked into it so often). Your hair is blond, but not as light as I remember your brother’s being. You get mistaken for a girl often, even after we refer to you as a ‘he’. It’s made me realize how silly gender is.

You have fuller lips, like your Papa. And his build, too (much like Van). Your cheeks are plump and your smile spreads full across your face.

You bang yourself up often and most always have a cut or scrape on either your elbows or knees, or both.

You’re in size 2 clothing, size 4 diaper. You rarely wear shoes. You weigh 25lbs and are 36in tall (I know only because you just scraped by at the local carnival).San clemente family photographer-8006

Eating: You eat a mean breakfast. Like enough for the whole day. Which is ironic because it’s typically all you eat for the whole day; meaning you most always reject lunch and seem to pick a few things for dinner but throw most of it down to Jimmie, who never leaves your side and has subsequently packed on the lb’s.

Your current favorites: greek yogurt, string cheese, eggs, blueberries. I made you your first smoothie and you loved it.

You also love to eat the eraser tops to all of our pencils.San clemente family photographer-7955

Sleeping: If your brothers’ sneak out of the room quietly, you’ll stay asleep while they’re getting ready for school and sleep until 7:30am or 8am. Other days you wake up with them. You’re still napping twice a day but the length of such seems to vary greatly; some days you’ll stay asleep from 10am until I wake you up at 2pm. Other days you’re screaming bloody murder at 12:30pm. Either way, we still put you down around 4pm and you sleep for another hour or two. You’re in bed by 8pm.

Some mornings Hooper will get you out of your crib and bring you downstairs. It’s pretty sweet to come down to you on the sofa, surrounded by a pillow fort your brothers have built for you.

You climbed out of your crib and onto the bottom bunk the other day so that cat is out of that bag.

You sleep with your blanket.San clemente family photographer-7994

Development: You have an endless array of words and are able to communicate what you want pretty clearly, though you still resort to screaming. It drives us insane. It seems to be happening less than before but it’s pretty dreadful taking you anywhere where there’s no quick escape (i.e., restaurants, planes, grocery stores, etc). And I take it back, it still happens on a daily basis. Our outing today was dreadful.

If we ask you what color something is, the answer is blue. No matter what. If we ask you how many something is, the answer is three. No matter what. We set you up for success by pointing to the sky and asking what color and by asking how many you have left if you take 97 away from 100.

You’re on the go for all the hours you’re awake. You like to climb, run, chase, be chased, climb the stairs… oh, the stairs. We used to put a couple of boxes to block the entrance, but you soon learned to get around that. So then we used the bench from the entryway to block it. Then you learned how to move that. Then we put the boxes on top of the bench. Then you leaned to move that. Then we used to bungee cord to hook the bench onto the banister so you couldn’t move it. Then you started climbing over it. So then we had the bench, the bungee cord, AND the boxes on top of the bench to keep you off the stairs. Now we’ve more or less given up; I tend to let you go and hope for the best whereas your Papa tends to hover in the event you fall, or get knocked over.

You still try to jump but have yet to get both feet off the floor at the same time.

You throw with your right arm and you have damn good aim.

You’re in the habit of creating your own problem and then whinging about it; like you’ll throw your cup on the floor and then become hysterical because your cup is on the floor.

You’ve discovered the world above and refer to all flying objects as helicopters. You have a toy helicopter that you covet and you try desperately to get your hands on your brothers’ helicopter lego. Speaking of your brothers, it’s a love / hate kinda thing; all in all they’re fairly patient and loving but they hate you getting into their stuff and they build barriers to keep you out often. But you also nap a lot, so they get a reprieve.San clemente family photographer-7960

Favorites: I was wondering when the affinity for the garbage trucks would begin and it happened overnight and is in full force. You’ll hear the trucks when they’re miles away and insist on sitting in the front yard to wait for them to arrive. You say ‘garbage truck’ like an 80 year old man with cotton in his mouth and it’s just about the cutest thing that I ever did hear.

You still love your g’pa. He’s your favorite and you’ll go running to him and do your happy squeals as soon as he’s in sight. You also prefer your Papa over me but I’m totally okay with that, it’s a pretty sweet thing, actually.

Memorial Day

memorial day

This space has been deserted as of late. Much of my life feels deserted as of late. If I’m being honest, I feel like I’m doing a thousand different things but not doing any one thing with 100%. Time passing like sheets of paper in the wind. Forget finding the time to write; lately I can’t even clear space in my head enough to formulate thoughts. All that to say I have a lot I’m behind on posting here; trips to the desert, to Arizona, a slew of recent client sessions, a goodbye to breastfeeding post I need to finish before I’m actually done breastfeeding because then it’ll only be sad, sappy shit no one wants to hear and I don’t want to remember, and so on and so forth. Life… it just keeps on rollin’. I can’t imagine it moving at any faster of a rate.

Sending love on this Memorial Day to all of those who have sacrificed for our wonderful country. Hope everyone enjoys the extra day off. We’ll be spending it at my sister’s, poolside, and I need it.

People Who Knew Me

No matter the size of the audience, I think anyone that posts anything these days does a second peek back to see how it was perceived; to see how it was accepted or liked or if it proved relevant in the lives of others. And that’s just social media. Imagine publishing a novel. I suppose others aren’t privy to the process; the time, dedication, push and pull that is the publishing world. My own knowledge, limited, even as a sister to a published author. But witness, I have. The highs, the lows, the triumphs, the defeats. It’s such a ruthless industry. In any event, I mentioned it here before that my sister is now a published author. Her book has been out for coming up on a year and if you haven’t checked it out yet, you should. You can read the reviews and purchase it here.

A friend in need…

The house I grew up in backed up to several hills. I remember the FBI was there once because they found some ‘women’s articles’ down one of the trails. I also remember there being an obvious camping spot someone was using down the same trail, at the creek bed, where there was hardly ever any running water because, well, California drought. Up above our house, on another trail, was the foundation of a house that once was; the kind of abandoned land that raised more questions than answers, starting with the fact there was no road that led to it. We had cats, outdoor cats at that, and I’m not quite sure how they survived given the amount of coyotes. At least once there was a bobcat sighting. And I distinctly remember driving home late after a party in high school only to see a bear in the middle of the road. To this day my parents presume I was seeing things and after all these years, maybe they were right.

But the biggest threat of all was the Santa Susana winds. Kinda like the way grey skies from afar paint an ominous scene those winds, on those hot days, brought with them a certain degree of dread, of fear. Because we all knew that with the winds came the threat of fire. We’ve packed up the cars several times. I remember bringing fire fighters powdered donuts. I also remember looking out the window and watching my dad hose things down with water as if a little water here and there would do the trick, lessen the risk. We were kind of in the boonies and for a long time, with not many homes around us, we weren’t really a priority of the fire department. Especially when neighboring hills were so much more populated. In any event, I can still remember the fear of losing our home; the fear of having to reevaluate our lives in the absence of the stuff we’ve collected and built and saved.

All this to say that when my sweet friend Kate shared the story of her friend Sunny (@buffaloargosy), a fellow airstream renovator, my heart sunk. A week or so ago, while Sunny and her sweet boy were away from their home, Sunny’s parents’ home caught fire and it spread to their airstream. Her folks and Sunny’s nieces and nephews barely made it out of the house and a beloved pet was lost. A GoFundMe has been set up by Sunny’s sister and while the goal has been met to fix the actual house, the left over money is being given to Sunny to repair her home, the airstream. Every little bit helps, even the love and prayers. If you feel inclined to donate, you can so by clicking here.



vivianI would say I’m thankful it’s Friday, though really I have a work-filled weekend and with the first day of school on Monday – for both Hooper (hello, Kindergarten) and Van (another round of preschool) – I kinda wish this week would slow. It’s been quiet here all week for the first week in a long time and while my heart is here, I just haven’t been able to find the time to blog. Hoping with the older boys in school a few days I’ll be able to sit and complete a few posts I’ve been working on. In any event, I wish everyone a good weekend and for those who start school next week as well, can we all mourn together? Long live summer.

Raven & Lily | Giveaway


The folks over at Raven & Lily were kind enough to send me a piece of clothing of my choosing. I chose this beautiful Azzah Duster and was pleasantly surprised when it arrived and was even more beautiful than I had initially imagined. I’ve worn it several times. I’m hosting a giveaway over on instagram if you’re interested in entering to win one. Entering is as easy as tagging a friend and following @ravenandlily. Can’t wait to give one of these away, whoever wins is sure to fall in love. And if giveaways aren’t you’re thing but you’re still interested in making a purchase, the folks over at Raven & Lily have been kind enough to provide me with coupon code Stork30 to receive 30% off.

A Disclaimer

Souther California Photographer-9066Sometimes I feel things go without saying, but other times I feel like things need to be stated. For the sake of clarity.
I write this blog for myself. In no way is anything presented here intended to be delivered in the form of advice. Nor am I intending to participate in the my-way-of-parenting-is-better-than-your-way-of-parenting nonsense.
Rather, I share what’s important to me and what resonates with me; Ah-ha moments of motherhood, if you will. The process of evolution and change has always meant something to me, on a deeper level, and I enjoy documenting here so I can remain humble about my journey.
If you happen to read a post where it sounds like I’m speaking to you, please be reminded that I’m only speaking to myself. I don’t write or share with any sort of audience in mind.
On the flip side, if you find yourself coming back here because something I’ve shared has resonated with you, then that’s just the icing on the cake; because we all like to know we’re not alone.
Okay, I feel better now.

Smoothies & Resqueeze

resqueezeWhen Hooper was a baby, I was all about the purees. It’d give me great pleasure to see what I could get away with in terms of sneaking vegetables and other healthy foods into his purees. Willy and I giggle now when reminiscing about my salmon and strawberry concoction. Poor kid.
I eventually gave up on the purees and succumbed to doing all sorts of the ridiculous tricks parents do to try to get their kids to eat vegetables. And overtime, I’ve simply accepted the fact that the only vegetables my kids will eat are corn, peas, and carrots. Van is a slightly more adventurous, but not by much in the veggie department.
I hate veggies, so it’s hard for me to bitch about how my kids eat. I started making myself smoothies recently which consist of the same ingredients every time: vanilla yogurt, lots of spinach, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, ground flax seed, and chia seeds.
That’s when it dawned on me that I can reintroduce purees as smoothies. And so, I did.
There have been more hits than misses, though it’s still frustrating when one day they eat the entire thing and then the next they don’t touch it at all. The other issue, for us, was finding a proper way to serve it. A simple cup proved messy and a cup with a straw required me to water it down to make it smooth enough to flow through the straw.
Both boys love the applesauce and puree mixtures that come in the squeeze pouches, so when Resqueeze reached out to me I was so thankful that someone has come up with a solution. 338A5404-8
Things we love about Resqueeze:
-the pouches are dishwater safe
-they come in two sizes (the larger is perfect for my kids)
-my kids like them
-the clear fill line allows you to see how much you’re pouring in
-the bottom ziplock closure is super durable
Resqueeze has been kind enough to offer a 4-pack to one lucky winner. Entering is as easy as doing any of the following and leaving an extra entry for each to increase your chance of winning:
-Visit Resqueeze’s recipe page and tell me which recipe you would like to try
-Follow Resqueeze on Facebook
-Follow Resqueeze on Instagram
Please remember to leave a separate comment for each entry. Good luck. 338A5419-14

The Ma Books

*This post contains nudity*
…All of us women are affected somehow by the much-talked-about societal pressure to look a certain way. In search of some elusive feeling of beauty, some of us get hair extensions, some of us get fake boobs, some of us buy $700 high heels, and some of us get tummy tucks. I can’t judge any woman for what she thinks will make her feel better, but I think we should all ask ourselves why we aren’t just fine the way we are…
I’m over on The Ma Books talking about body perception in conjunction with The Nu Project. You can check out my post by clicking here. Have you guys been following The Ma Books? What do you think? I’m really enjoying it.

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A Sponsored Giveaway

Today we have an awesome giveaway from Sugarboo Designs. I was familiar with Sugarboo Designs prior to them contacting me, but did not know they had a kids line of t-shirts. That’s because they didn’t, they’re brand spankin’ new and super cool. I’ve always been a fan of their prints and I love their jute plant hangers. Today they are offering one lucky reader a t-shirt (winner can pick design and size). 
I chose the “It’s a wonderful life” and “lucky duck” shirts. The shirts are printed on American Apparel tee’s, so remember to size up. Hooper is wearing a size 6 and Van is in a size 4 and both have plenty of room to grow. Here are my favorite designs:
This giveaway is open to US residents only (sorry) and there are numerous ways to enter. Please leave a separate comment for each entry to increase your chances of winning. The winner will be chosen via random.org and announced here in two weeks.
-Visit Sugarboo Designs and tell me what design you would choose.
-Become a fan of Sugarboo Designs on Facebook.
-Follow Sugarboo & Co. on Instagram, @sugarbooandco.
-Follow Sugarboo Designs on Instagram, @sugarboodesigns.
-Become a fan of The Stork & The Beanstalk on facebook.
-Follow The Stork & The Beanstalk on Bloglovin‘.
-Follow The Stork & The Beanstalk on pineterst and/or instagram.
Remember to leave a separate comment for each entry. Best of luck and thank you for supporting my sponsors. Remember to check back here in two weeks to see if you won. Winner will also be contacted via email, so make sure your email address is valid.
There is still time to enter the giveaway to Urban Baby Bonnets too. Click here to enter. 


Live in the Southern California area? Want to have an evening on the beach captured so that the memory of the warm sun and the salty sea can be remembered forever? Let me capture it for you. Here’s the details:
-One hour of shooting, from 7 to 8pm
-Approximently 50 edited high resolution images
-Can be used for anything you’d like, including family photos or Holiday cards
-Weekdays preferred
Email me: ashleyjennett @ gmail.com for pricing information

A Sponsored Giveaway

Today we have a wonderful giveaway from the kind mamas over at Urban Baby Bonnets, aka UB2. At UB2 you get an honest product – mom designed, kid tested – that is handmade right here in the good ol’ U S of A. 
The bonnets are reversible, offering the best bang for your buck. They also snap under your child’s chin so wish your I-don’t-want-to-wear-a-hat little tykes good luck. This also means that you can conveniently breastfeed with the bonnet on, not to mention that your child can sit comfortably against the back of the car seat without the cap causing any discomfort. And perhaps the cherry on top is that they come in loads of different prints and sizes, all made from organic fabrics. 
The bonnet pictured is size 2-3T and fits both of my boys (age 2 and 3) perfectly. A hat they can both wear? Two thumbs up.

You can read more about the company and the product here.
In addition to bonnets, UB2 offers dresses and accessories. I love this dress, which is on sale, paired with some Saltwater sandals. 
UB2 is offering one lucky winner a $36 credit to their store. This giveaway is open internationally and there are numerous ways to enter. Please leave a separate comment for each entry to increase your chances of winning. The winner will be chosen via random.org and announced here in two weeks.
-Visit Urban Baby Bonnets and tell me what you would purchase with the $36 credit.
-Become a fan of Urban Baby Bonnets on facebook.
-Follow Urban Baby Bonnets on Twitter.
-Become a fan of The Stork & The Beanstalk on facebook.
-Follow The Stork & The Beanstalk on Bloglovin‘.
-Follow The Stork & The Beanstalk on pineterst and/or instagram.
Remember to leave a separate comment for each entry. Best of luck and thank you for supporting my sponsors. Remember to check back here in two weeks to see if you won. Winner will also be contacted via email, so make sure your email address is valid.
Interested in making a purchase? Use promo code thestork for 15% off your purchase (code expires in one month).
You can enter my other giveaway for a t-shirt from Sugarboo Designs by clicking here.

The Ma Books

The Ma Books: A collective effort of women sharing pieces of their stories, simple craft ideas, respected product picks, favorite recipes, personal advice and honest trials on a weekly basis. Overall, embracing the highlights, the downfalls, the humor and humility involved in raising children. 
Have you had a chance to check it out? If not, you should. It’s best to start at the beginning. You can check out a post I wrote here.

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