You Are My Wild

{Click on each photo to find out more about the photographer behind each one}
You Are My Wild is an amazing project that has just begun. The project brings 14 different photographers together, on a weekly basis, to display images they capture of their children. I can’t even tell you how ruffled my feathers would be to be part of something like this. Perhaps I’ll add it to my bucket list goals and in the meantime, I’ll gawk at these beautiful images from some amazingly talented individuals. You can check it out here on a weekly basis. I know I will.

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Documenting my children has been very easy for me. It’s been very natural and has yet to feel forced. I was inspired when I saw this photo project, which I was lead to from this blog. Being that I already photograph my children on a weekly, if not daily basis, I’m opting to participate in a similar photo project featuring none other than mi amor, my husband, my best friend.
I spend a lot of time on this blog writing about my children and documenting my love for them. But none of that would be there without the foundation Willy and I have built through our own love. So I’m dedicating this yearly project to Willy. A photo a week of the man I love.
Hey Willy, here’s to looking at you kid.

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