The night before Hooper’s birthday we celebrated as a family, with our larger family, and went around the table to share something we really cherish about him. I told him that I love his ability to reason; the way he shows up to conversations curious and able to follow me down different paths of thought….
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A few days ago I posted a pic of Van from a one-on-one date I took him on. Underneath the photo, I wrote: “…And he talked and talked and talked about football. I’ve never been so content to just listen. This age is the best”. A lot of people, mostly moms, sent me heart emojis….
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7/24/21 Yesterday was our first time on a plane since losing my dad. That may see like an insignificant milestone to those who haven’t experienced the loss of a loved one but suddenly it all feels significant. So many firsts, big and small. Since my boys were little, we’d do this special handshake just as…
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On Tuesday night, I stood behind you at a concert. The young woman standing next to me wore two braids in the style of Willie Nelson and invited you to get a better view of the stage by moving in front of her. You looked her in the eye and told her with sweet sincerity…
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Raising kids has provided me the opportunity to recognize and break certain patterns and cycles. I’ve learned that my first thought isn’t always right; instead, it’s usually a reactionary impulse that’s a derivative of childhood and / or societal conditioning. When my kids are struggling with their emotions, as humans do, my first thought is…
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