
A portrait of my boys, once a week, every week in 2014
It’s been unusually quiet over here. Not over here in the literal sense because it’s actually quite noisy and chaotic in the house; but here – on the blog – crickets have taken over. Life has finally caught up with me. It’s been a whirlwind as of late. The house is a complete disaster; part construction zone, part unpacking disaster. We have lawn chairs that are still in the living room and a garage full of trash, furniture we don’t have room for, clean and dirty laundry, and boxes that have yet to make their way to their proper rooms to be unpacked. There’s full suitcases that still have some Maui sand in them, I’m sure of, and other suitcases with mementos from our latest trip to Puerto Rico. Oh ya, and my sister is getting married today. So ya, life is crazy. In any event, this blog will carry on. I have loads of half-written posts begging for my attention and I have full intentions to give them such just as soon as I can. Here’s a glimpse at life this week:
Van: Has gone pee in the potty several times. Not sure he’s ready for official potty training just yet, but he sure likes the tic-tac he gets for pushing a little stream of urine out.
Hooper: Has to sit on his little suitcase because the table we had made was accidentally made too tall. I swear life is playing a joke on us. If you could see our makeshift tables over the past month, you’d know why having the perfect kitchen table delivered abnormally high is more than hilarious. And by hilarious, I mean ridiculous.
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