Most days it feels as though my entire mornings are spent feeding Sonny; breastfeed first thing in the morning, then again before breakfast, then solids for breakfast, then breastfeed again before his morning nap. Throw in the usual distractions: butts that need to be wiped, gun holsters that need to be fastened, and the gazillion relentless requests for more Halloween candy and it’s easy to see why I no longer get any real work done in the morning. No shop orders filled, no emails replied to, no dishes cleaned, no moving boxes emptied.
Trying my best these days to cram in whatever work that needs to be done, rooms that needs to be cleaned, and dare-I-say, any time for myself into the couple hour window in which Sonny is asleep and – fingers crossed – the older boys are playing nicely (or in school). The struggle is real and it’s reflected in my absence here. A guilty pleasure I yearn to indulge but typically sits at the bottom of any to-do list, if it even makes the list at all.
The other week was especially grueling; a week loaded with appointments / check-ups, a bad case of the barfs for Van, and then Hooper, Halloween festivities, birthday parties, a bedridden sick husband, and about a thousand loads of laundry that are collecting wrinkles and so on and so forth.
All this to say, I’m still here. Juggling. Like we do. Setting aside to-do lists and finding peace – or trying to anyway – with slower, unproductive mornings in the hurry-up-and-get-shit-done-American-way-of-life sense. Enjoying these boys; all three of them. With vinyl spinning in the background, the occasional lashing out – like siblings do – and a busy little baby that really just wants to be in the mix.
Life does get so very busy. But I think we’d all rather be busy then old women wondering what happened to our babies, right! Soon enough that will be the case.
And, not sure if this will work for you since you mentioned before that your Halloween festivities typically are a party here and truck or treating there, rather then the one big trick ‘r treating event, but my rule (mean mommy that I am) is that my boys can eat as much candy after trick r treating (and us checking them) as they can possibly fit into their tummies that night. Then the rest, my husband and I take to work. Because if there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s the constant whining about when they can eat the next treat and why didn’t you pack me a candy for lunch and for snack and why can’t I have candy for breakfast, etc., etc.. Otherwise I’d be saying no constantly until Christmas time and then there’s even more treats around!
Awe, I just stumbled upon your Instagram and now blog, and I’m so utterly happy I did!! I love everything about this post because everything about this just sings to me. The million things undone, the triage of tasks, being so desperately needed, and the moments of knowing there’s nowhere else you’d rather be. I just love it all ❤️❤️
Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment 🙂 xo
That first picture filled my heart with joy. Just look at Hooper and Van in love with their little brother! That’s a great capture Ashley.
I’m feeling you. I live with my little 2 year old daughter and it’s mayhem some days trying to get out the door without forgetting something, like the keys.
I’m digging the vinyl collection and the way you’ve captured your boys playing together.
I also ordered some of your tees, which will arrive in this ridiculously hot summer (to the east coast of Australia). All in good time, no rush. I’m just happy to be able to finally order some.
Bella x
Oh yes, I’m the same — forgetting stuff all the time. I’m happy when I remember to get Hooper from school. Ha. Hope the tees got to you and that you enjoy them 🙂