Someone recently tried to put me down by referring to my kids as dirty. Old me might have taken offense. New me is able to see my reality quite clearly and see it not only as a compliment but also a byproduct of the life I provide them. Yup, sometimes we chose sunsets over showers. I’m one person and I surrender to not being able to do it all perfectly. It’s like that time my dad referred to my home as appearing “lived in”. Came across this picture of Sonny from Slab City. An honest portrait. Yes, my kids are usually dirty. They also live hard and well. Thank you very much.
YES!! This is my kids too. Always dirty, always happy (well, almost always). My mum is constantly telling me (usually in a very passive aggressive way) that they need to clean their faces and that my house ‘looks like kids live in it’. I’m not every sure what that last comment even means! Of course kids live in it, I have three of them. Anyway, the older I get the less I give a fuck and the more I realise that those sorts of comments come 100% from her own issues and insecurities. It has nothing to do with me. #mummyissues
Yes! So true. And also, same. Like, duh, it looks lived in cuz’ it’s, well, lived in. And also well lived in. See what I did there? And yes, older in age but fewer in fucks.
I actually see my dirty kids as a sign that they have a happy and healthy life. They get dirtly because they really get to live.