Bits + Pieces
Hoop taking important phone calls // Van at his last checkup // Hoop running amuck // Chalk and crayons // Someone celebrated her third birthday. Her name is Sarah and she received more dog treats for reasons she does not understand // Hoop hanging in Van’s room // Van hanging in his crib.
Happy Friday!
Side note: Tomorrow is the last day to enter Monday’s giveaway from Truly Sanctuary. You can enter by simply leaving a comment on Monday’s post. I will be announcing the winner on Monday.
Bits + Pieces, from San Francisco
I went to San Francisco for the first time when I was in Middle School. If I remember correctly, who went on the trip was based on a lottery system. I remember running up to the list posted on the outside of the classroom door, frantically searching for my name. Already feeling like a winner for making the cut, we boarded a bus and like that, were off. I vividly remember driving into the city and taking it all in. I watched from the bus as a bum pissed right onto the street. I saw gay people holding hands. Buses running on cables. Steam coming up from the subway that ran below. Something about the city made my 6th grade heart beat faster. I knew I’d want to return, and years later, I did.
I lived in San Francisco for five years. I moved back to southern California to be able to afford traveling around the world, which was the only thing that justified leaving the city.
Now you got me in reminiscent mode. Back to present time. We drove, stopping along the way to breastfeed (sigh), and arrived in SF on one of the busiest weekends ever. The Giants made the playoffs and were playing, there was also a 49er’s game, an Oracle convention, a Justin Bierber concert for goodness sakes, and the Blue Angels were flying overhead. Needless to say, it was more expensive than usual. Special thanks to my in-laws who gifted us part of our stay for our anniversary.
We spent a day at the zoo, which I highly recommend, and spent the rest of the weekend driving around, eating pizza on Haight street, and watching the Blue Angels fly overhead as we sat in Golden Gate Park with the lunatics and addicts and runaways. Can’t wait to go back. Love that it’s only a drive away.
I have a wee little video from our first family Road Trip coming soon. Until then, happy Friday!
pssst… Stay tuned, we have a special giveaway from etsy seller Truly Sanctuary coming Monday (woot, woot).
Bits + Pieces
Gotta love California. My best friend Janet said when she moved to Utah she found herself at an In n’ Out in hopes of finding a palm tree. No such luck. Hey Janet, lots of palms over here in Cali. I’m just sayin’ // “Move outta the way mom, Gabba’s on” // My lovely in-laws were in town. G’ma Vickie introduced Hoop to the Gas We Pass book. He was hooked all weekend long // Clean plate club and he fed himself. It doesn’t work out all the time, but hey, I’ll take some of the time over never any day // Someone loves to smell the roses. I hope he always breaks from his busy life to do so // We hosted a taco night. It was bomb (ya, I said “bomb”, so what?) // Mi amor, so handsome and hot and huggable // Did I read somewhere it was national donut day? I did, I did. I swear // Thrifted finds from Utah. All for the boys, of course. Except for the pleasure map, I think I’ll make that mine // Willy and Van chillaxin // Indoor squirrel hunting. It’s a real sport and Sarah is a pro // Flipped through my William Eggleston book, one of my favorite photographers.
Happy Friday.
Bits + Pieces, from the LA County Fair
We went to the LA County Fair the other day and it was… in-SANE. I was still on a high from the Ventura County Fair, which was completely and utterly awesome. I had high expectations and figured that going on a weekday would help meet these expectations. Man, I was wrong. Total flunk. We had to park what felt like a mile away. And it was deathly hot. We had avoided going to the fair in the weeks prior due to the heat but figured since the weather has been cooling down, now would be the time to go. Only cooling down still equated to 90+ degree heat. In any case, Van was fine and he was the one I was concerned being too hot. I digress. We parked. We walked. And walked. Then we stood in line in the hot hot sun. Slowest line ever. We paid an unreasonable fee of $50 to enter (this included unlimited rides for Hooper and me, assuming I would have to ride with him as I did at the Ventura County Fair). Once we entered, we had to wait in another long line to get the wrist bands we had already paid for. Why it was a separate booth, I don’t know. Why some lady chose to cut in front of us, I don’t know that either. Just walking from the car and waiting in the two separate lines took an hour. And don’t forget, it was hot.
Once we got the damn wristbands, we started making our way to the kid area. Again, no easy feat. I almost felt like there was a hidden camera on us and the point of the joke was to try as many ridiculous ways to keep us from our destination because as soon as we put the wristbands on our wrists, the band started marching. And fair officials, as they call themselves, asked people to step to the side. So we had to wait for the marching band to pass. Then the cheerleaders. Then the long line of classic cars. Then the flag people. Then the fire engines. It was never ending. Hooper was quite unsure about it all. I think the loud noises scared him. Some of the horns and sirens pierced my ears. He kept covering his eyes, like he was playing peek-a-boo, but in reality I think he was counting on the whole if I can’t see you, I’m not here notion. In any event, one parade ended. Then there was a break as we made our way to the kid area. Then there was an entirely separate parade that stopped us in our tracks once again. And then we made it to the damn kid area.
Not sure why it would be any different, but this fair required the kids to be 36 inches to ride any of the rides. As luck would have it, Hooper was an inch or two shy. One nice lady let him ride regardless, but we got turned away at all the other ones. And it happened to be the one ride I didn’t have to go on with him, so we wasted money by purchasing an extra wristband for myself. Fail. So Hoop rode the same ride over and over and over again, which was fine by him. I’m fairly certain he was pretty stoked either way. It wasn’t all bad… Willy won Hoop a light up stick that he paraded around like it was the coolest thing on earth. We ate fried Twinkies, which never fails to land a smile on a frowny face. And we got out and about on a Wednesday evening, which always helps hump day along. So there you have, the bad and the good wrapped into one sweet fried Twinkie, I mean review. Man, I can’t get that Twinkie off my mind.
Oh yes, and no petting zoo. Actually, I’m quite sure there was one somwhere… but kudos to whoever has the patience and energy to find it among the gazillion wandering fair go-ers. Too big, too many people. We’ll pass on the LA fair next year and hit up the Ventura one more than once.
Bits + Pieces
I spent this past weekend in Utah, visiting my best friend and her new baby (Carla is one week older than Van). Years ago, Janet and I were road trippin’ scoundrels. Back then was my first time visiting Utah and I came to associate the state with freedom, the open road, and pleasantly lost souls. We spent our days back then scouring the outskirts of cities big and small for a campground to rest our road heavy and stoned eyes. And now we’re adults, or whatever, looking for quiet corners to breastfeed our young. My oh my how things change and evolve. I’ve spent the last week contemplating and appreciating the beautiful ebbs and flow of life.
In case you missed it, you can check out the videos we made here and here. Happy Saturday!
Bits + Pieces
An oldschool Bronco = yes, please // Hooper’s latest obesession = cars // Sarah on our walk // A daily occurrence = Hoop lining up his cars // Enjoying Gabba Gabba on the sofa // Van loungin’ in my favorite balloon pants // Someone locked himself out and then cried about it. I, on the other hand, photographed it. I know, I’m a bad mom // I finally got the chance to flip through the latest Atomic Ranch magazine over a nice breakfast // Hooper playing in Van’s crib // My anniversary card to Willy.
Happy Friday!
Bits + Pieces
Van straight loungin’, cuz that’s what he does best // Hoop on a play date // A little picnic at the park // Scavenged goods (Van may just be a Sheriff for Halloween) // Van has smiled three times. I have pictures of two of these times // Hooper, the madman, running through the kitchen (I promise a before and after kitchen remodel one of these days… would you believe we’re still waiting on a few things to be finished!?) // Fall may be here, but the beach is still a splendid way to spend the day here in SoCal // Hooper lining up his cars // Feet that have yet to be walked on // How our morning walks look these days (fyi, we use the City Select Baby Jogger and I have no complaints) // A family breakfast date (even Sarah came along) // Someone loves to read Dr. Suess “ghen” and “ghen” // That same someone likes to revisit his old stomping grounds.
Happy Friday!
Bits + Pieces, the Instagram Edition
I heart Instagram. You can find me under username hoops118 or by clicking here.
Bits + Pieces
From last Sunday’s Festival Fun:
We spent this last Sunday at the Port Hueneme Beach Festival. There was funnel cakes because what festival is complete without that powdered sugar goodness?, blueberry lemonade, strawberries & whip cream, ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, not to mention the classic car show which now has Willy feverishly searching for the perfect classic car for our family (something we’ve always wanted), tunes from Chaka Khan blasting in the background, kiddo rides, and the most perfect beach breeze offering a wonderful respite from the valley’s scorching weather as of late. Hoping we can make it out to the LA County Fair at the end of the month because a little someone is hooked!
Bits + Pieces
Snapshots from the last couple weeks:
The prettiest of flowers // Van’s first doctor’s visit // Grandma + Grandpa meet Van // Hot diggity damn, it was 100 degrees at 8 am and 8 pm. When will this heat wave end? I originally thought I’d be a prisoner in my own home due to mothering two, but instead I’m a prisoner due to the heat. Poor Sarah is yearning to go to the park but it’s been too dang hot // Another trip to the beach, this time with my lovely sister and her lovely boyfriend. We ate dinner across the street and my sister is still finding rocks in her purse compliments of Hooper // A succulent from our succulent garden that, unlike me, loves the heat // Proud Papa // My little bean.
Happy Friday!
Bits + Pieces
Snapshots from the week:
The two finger standard. It occurs anytime his blanket is in site or when he is meeting someone for the first time // Follow the leader. He’ll remind you quickly just who the leader is // Straw goes in, straw goes out. I’ll always remember a co-worker (that’s you, Kris) informing me that boys are always trying to stick shit in holes // Music madness. You can’t beat the Mexican Hat Dance // A sneak peak at our new and updated kitchen. I keep meaning to do a before and after post, but being that it’s not technically complete I’ve felt less motivated. Damn contractors // Silly smiles // Sarah and Hooper cuddle time // Thrifted jacket I picked up for Hooper for three bucks // Labor instructions, waiting patiently to be followed.
Happy Saturday.
Bits + Pieces
My growing belly and Sarah (side note, that’s not a pertruding belly button, it’s the bottom of my dress. I had to clarify. I mean the belly button is out, but not that far out)// Hooper’s latest obsession: “TARRR!”, aka, guitar, which he pronounces with a simultaneous fist pump into the air // I celebrated a birthday. It was lovely, complete with some sweet gifts and a yummy cupcake // Sarah chillin’ out realaxin’ all cool because let’s face it, that’s what a dogs life is all about // Hooper’s other obsession: “Pay-pee”, aka, paper and pen. Sometimes he likes to scribble, but most of the time he likes taking the pencils out and then putting them back in // Birthing preparations: lots and lots of pineapple. I don’t really care at this point if it’s an old wive’s tale or purely psychosomatic, it feels good to do something. Doing something has also included walking, mostly at 9am in 90 degree weather… anything to avoid the 100+ afternoons. My best friend, due a few days ago and still pregnant, introduced curb walking to me (please click on the link and watch the ridiculousness that is this video). After a good chuckle, I went outside and started walking lopsided. I know, us pregnant biotches are cray-zeeeee // Milk that expires after I do. I know, I know, it’s a due date not an expiration date, but it really doesn’t feel that way // Hooper’s other obsession (there seem to be a lot these days): “Gongs”, aka “cars”. Not sure where “gongs” comes from but he wants those little four wheeled specimens as soon as he wakes up. Sure beats “Gabba Gabba”, so I’m on board // Cutest little card from Etsy store 3RingCircus, where I made a recent purchase I will share soon.
Happy Friday the 13th… Maybe today will be the day.
Side note: Thank you to everyone who continues to vote daily for The Stork & The Beanstalk on the Top Baby Blog website. I’m currently ranked 24, exceeding my goal of making it within the top 25. Hip hip hoorays all around! And many many thanks you guys for showing me love.
Bits + Pieces
Bits + Pieces from the last couple weeks:
Potting plants. Seriously, nesting is no joke. I want to plant and grow everything // Hooper got introduced to chalk. He liked it, as did Sarah. We put lipstick on Sarah and then we put the chalk away after Hooper started eating it // Oh how I miss those clothes in my little itty bitty closet. I know my days of maternity wear are nearing an end and thank goodness because my options these days seem to be ranging from A or B… and that’s it // Hooper pre-nap… // …And post-nap bed head // Choosing kitchen tiles has been a battle of what we like vs. what is affordable vs. what is easy to install. We placed our order earlier this week, so I guess there’s no turning back // Hooper playing quietly by himself. I love these moments // And lastly, some pics from our latest trip to Underwood Farms. You can see pics from our previous visit here.
Happy Friday!
Bits + Pieces
Some pics from the zoo a few weeks ago. Hooper really liked that duck until it nibbled his fingers // We found a flea on Sarah and gave her a good flea bath followed by a homemade mixture of lemon and rosemary. So far, so good. And please note the similarities between Sarah and the goat pictured above her // You scream, I scream, Hooper screams for ice cream. And can you blame him? Nothing beats Baskin Robbins. And yes, Hooper still directs us via pulling. And yes, Willy’s still working on his tattoos. I swear he’s going to run out of skin soon // Hooper’s new room is coming together. I have plans to switch him over next week. Dun dun dun // Willy’s bringing his mustache back. This means random packages will be coming to the door with various waxes to curl the ends with // Hooper touching the plant after waving his hands over it and proclaiming, “nooooo”. He knows he’s not allowed, the little guy just can’t help himself // Hooper in his vintage Zips. Man, I wish he’d never grow out of these. I want a pair for myself // A day at the beach. I hope to squeeze in many of these in the next few weeks // A few photos from Hooper’s 18 month appointment, where I learned he has yellow teeth and likes band-aids // Our friend Lisa gave birth to a beautiful little boy on Mother’s Day. Talk about the perfect gift, right? He’s small in stature, but as alert and as wiggly as can be. It was a pleasure to meet him and photograph him this week. Talking with Lisa and watching as she held her little peanut in her arms made me feel capable and excited for our own addition that seems just around the corner at this point. Thank you Lisa for making Motherhood look so lovely, your boys are beautiful.
Happy Friday!
Bits + Pieces
Snapshots from this week and last:
Hooper played with his blocks. He loves stacking one on top of the other. He’s very methodical about it // I bought some new spreads to try on toast or crackers for my favorite picky eater. I’ll let you all know how it goes // Someone has gotten really good at directing others. He does it by pulling at some piece your clothing and it’s not annoying at all. I’m lying, it’s like nails on the chalkboard // Two of my favorite boys watching a morning cartoon // Part of our succulent garden basking in an abundance of sunshine // Guess who got a radio flyer? Yup, and he’s all about it. I’ll include it in my next thrifting post and share a little story about the purchase // Yellow flowers on the kitchen table to celebrate a sure-to-be wonderful weekend.
Happy Friday!
Bits + Pieces + Realizations, from Maui
Maui Realizations.
-Traveling with a toddler is hard. Forget about the near impossible task of traveling with a grumpy toddler, traveling with a happy go-lucky busy toddler is almost impossible too. It didn’t help matters that some chick tried to get onto the plane sick and couldn’t manage to even make it to her seat. We had to wait for a customer service representative to “escort” her off the plane and then had to wait even longer for a clean up crew to clean up the throw up see left behind. It was like starting with a full tank of gas and then dropping to nearly empty before even leaving the runway. Oh yes, there ought to be an asterisk attached to my opening realization that traveling with a toddler is hard. The asterisk would read: And traveling with a toddler while seven months pregnant is harder. That little boy inside of me has quite the limited room as is and having an external little munchkin pushing further on the littler munchkin made this mama short of breath real fast. Bless the flight attendant who pointed out two open seats, allowing Hooper to have his own seat. This wonderful occurrence has happened a few times while traveling with Hooper and it makes such a big difference to my own comfort. It does not, however, change the fact that he nearly refused to sit in his seat. He pulled all the magazines out of the seat in front of him, he took the tray down and then pushed it back up (apologies were made to the people in front of us), played peek-a-boo with the people behind us (more apologies were made), ate the snacks that fell on the ground from the little girl next to him, walked up and down the aisles, you get the idea. He had gotten up so early in the morning for the flight that I was certain he would nap. He did nap, for about 20 minutes until my ass was fully numb, my left foot was tingling, my back was beyond aching, and I took the risk of lying him down on the open seat next to me. He woke almost immediately and never went back to sleep. So, it was a long flight there but he was happy and smiley regardless of appearing busier than a crackhead.
-Holding Hooper on that flight against my belly while the little one inside threw kicks and punches reminded me that soon my attention will be divided. I thought of this fact often throughout the trip. Every time I felt a kick I envisioned having to stop what I was doing and turn my attention away from Hooper. I feel some sadness regarding not being able to give Hooper my full attention in the near future. I worry less about how he’ll handle it and more about how I’ll handle it. Is that weird? I had a conversation with a friend who said she cried for three weeks after she gave birth to her second child. Even though her first child handled it well, she felt like she was cheating on him with the new baby. I’m trying to prepare myself to handle this transition in the most healthy of ways, but I’m sure what that means yet.
-Moments in motherhood, like life, are about perspective. For those 20 minutes Hooper was asleep on me on the plane, before the numb ass, tingling foot, and aching back, everything was perfect. I could stare at that boy sleep all day long. His weightless body and ability to give himself over to me fully is the most beautiful thing. He was perfectly peaceful. But, it’s momentary. Soon your ass is asleep, the fingers in the arm he’s resting on begin to tingle, it gets harder to feel your foot, your reluctant to uncross your legs for fear of waking your sleeping angel, and well, the moment of perfect peace passes. As I laid him on the empty seat, feeling incredibly grateful and indebted to all flight attendants from here and out, he instantly woke up. He never went back to sleep and for the remainder of the flight I was one of those hammers on the arcade game trying tirelessly to knock down the weasel every time he’d pop up. So you have a choice: call it a good flight and praise the lord for the moment he was asleep on your chest and the fact the flight was tantrum and tear free or call it horrible because you worked the whole time. It’s a matter of perspective and the choice is up to you.
-I noticed a woman at the beach watching Hooper as he mosied back and forth to the ocean with his bucket of water. She asked how old he was and mentioned she had a 19 month old at home. I studied her sitting in her lounge chair with her magazine, her husband next to her, and said “enjoy the freedom!”. She smiled in such a way that made me realize she was missing her son. I realized in this moment that being a mom is a double edge sword. It’s hard when you’re in full mom mode and it’s hard when you’re not. It’s a challenge, in my opinion, to enjoy the time alone with your husband when you’re both missing your little one at home. So as she watched Hooper and missed her son, I watched her and missed time alone with my husband. We both had something great in that moment, yet we both had to sacrifice something to be in that moment. The yin and yang, push and pull of life. Again, it’s a matter of perspective. 
Bits + Pieces
Willy’s parents were in town from Arizona over the weekend and although it was a short visit, it was nice to spend some time together. Willy’s brother and his wife also joined us and the house was filled with love and laughter and all the beautiful things that only family can bring. I snapped just a few photos. I can’t believe I didn’t capture any of Hooper and his auntie Maegan. Hooper was in love. So flirty, so gregarious. His face lit up anytime Maegan was in sight. It was special to watch. Here’s a few of the bits and pieces from their visit.
Bits + Pieces
Can we pause for a moment and bask in the fact it is Friday? And what a beautiful week of Spring it has been here in California, minus a day of rain. Hope it is just as beautiful elsewhere. What’s new this week, you ask? Well, not much. Hooper discovered he could hide the remotes in the sofa cushions and then fish them out. He did this over and over and over in typical toddler fashion // Aside from the scar on Sarah’s face, you’d have no idea anything happened to this dog. She is good as new and back at the dog park playing with all her dog friends. As for Willy and I, we’re still trying to sew that hole made in our pockets // Hooper played with his blocks and spent the morning rearranging them on his dresser. He’s very dedicated to organization // Hooper is finally big enough to ride the speedster I bought him when he was 6 months old and he LOVES it. It almost rivals his giraffe, but not quite // He also rediscovered grapes. He liked them initially, then went through a long period of throwing them on the ground, and now likes them again. Oh the adventures in feeding toddlers // A wonderful lunch date with a sexy man I call my husband and a hot dog overflowing with onions // A cute boy in a red sailboat romper // And a dapper looking young lad on Easter Sunday.
Happy Friday the 13th!
Bits + Pieces
Snapshots from our week: