Christmas Eve
That night Van boogied to the tunes on the juke box, the men sipped on whiskey and the women on wine, and Hooper ruined (we let him) a game of cut-throat.
I’ll be back tomorrow with some photos from our Christmas day. If you have links to your own holiday posts, please leave them in the comment section below!
It was a Merry one, indeed.
This Christmas was more low-key than any thus far. We stayed close to home since I’m still recovering and quite limited. Every time I go out, I feel like I can practically see the gas in the tank running out.
But I’ll tell ya, nothing pushes your limits more than a best friend.
Janet and I met up a few days before Christmas to take the kids to see Santa at the local animal shelter (Sarah got
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to go too). Carla and Van weren’t having it and if you could see the amount of make-up Santa had on, you’d probably want off his lap too. The next night we grabbed a bite to eat and took the kids to the candy cane lane in Moorpark. And then, on Christmas Eve, we hosted a little brunch.
I have loads more pictures from Christmas day to upload, so I’ll share those next week. Happy Friday, y’all!
Christmas 2013
Van pretending to be Santa | Finally got around to making Christmas cookies this year, thanks to my lovely sister | We’ve had lots of Christmas art projects. They last about 10 seconds and are, um, not quite showroom ready | We went to visit Santa, twice. The first time we waited in line until my back could stand it no longer, so we never quite made it. When we did, Santa got a good laugh out of Hooper’s note. Both boys were stoked on their candy canes. I’m not a fan of not being able to take your own photos with Santa. That’s dumb. For $20… I mean… (We actually saw Santa a third time at the animal shelter but I have yet to upload those shots, so TBC…) | We’ve been playing a game we call “mailman”. Because of my recovery and a husband that is clueless about Christmas shopping, I’ve done everything online this year. Needless to say, a lot of packages have
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arrived. A little someone likes to open the door and accept the package over and over again. It’s a game that entails a lot of doorbell ringing.
Oh ya, and Hooper has been picking his nose. A lot.
Feeling grateful to be feeling a bit better just in time for this cherished time with family and friends. Merry Christmas Eve. Hope everyone has a Merry and bright one tomorrow.
The Tree
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a Christmas Tree in Southern California is always a little under-whelming, in my opinion. I mean, if walking down aisle after aisle of Christmas trees in your mall’s parking lot in 80 degree weather is your thing, then please forgive me. Something about the fake snow blown on to the trees made me yearn for some real cold weather; they kind where you need some hot cocoa to warm your hands just as bad as you need it to warm your belly. I’m longing to see my own breath in front of me and it’s just not happening this year.
What is happening is picking our nose and eating it. So, there’s always that.
A day with my best friend, part II
It surprises me every year when we find ourselves at the beach in the “dead” of winter. This day was particularly beautiful; a warm 70 degrees and no wind. Sometimes the elements just come together when your soul sister is in town. After the beach, we grabbed a bite to eat at my of our favorite local joints. It was a day for the memory bank for sure; all of them, with her, are.
You can click here to see a little video Janet put together of our time at the beach. It definitely brought me through some dark days of recovery.
A day with my best friend, part I
They don’t come often enough, I’ll tell ya. Anyone who has suffered from having a best friend in another state knows my pain. It’s that struggle between feeling overwhelmingly grateful that you have them and simultaneously down-right angry that you don’t have them close by.
My Everyday
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that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
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{That’s Hooper trying to “help” lift Van into his high chair… heart. melt.}

Thanksgiving marked the 3rd day (of what turned out to be 6) in a row that I left the house since my surgery (I’m hoping to f i n a l l y finish a post about my surgery, and another about my recovery, sometime this weekend). I’m paying the price now, I suppose, for allowing myself more freedom than I should have. Screw recovery.
We spent Thanksgiving morning making breakfast, doing facetime with out-of-state family, and riding bikes / giraffes around the block. After breakfast our entire house shook as a helicopter landed at a school at the end of the block. Complete with a fire engine and ambulance, I’m pretty sure it was the highlight of the boys’ day. I won’t discuss any details because it makes my heart hurt too bad. Last I heard, all is well. Or on its way toward well.
Later in the afternoon, we met up with family and ate more food than we should have.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving as well.
My Everyday
“But I don’t want to go among mad people, ” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat, “We’re all mad here”.
-Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
A day in the life, the outakes
These are the outtakes from the photos I shot for the guest post I did over on Sarah’s blog. You can check out the photos that made the cut by clicking here.
Bits + Pieces
I told y’all I had some catching up to do… eating breakfast // eating shoelaces // public restrooms are scary // van & carla, a match made in heaven // new coffee table gift from janet // found a new spot to catch a great glimpse of the valley // tantrums // sarah // the outdoor bike that always makes it’s way inside // cozy coup // lining up cars // putting gas in the cozy coup // brothers.
And a few from Halloween…

Van was supposed to be a clown, but things have been crazier than ever and time ran out on us. Luckily I saw this post and I ran with it…
The Pumpkin Patch
I’m tellin’ y’all, if I could have taken the kids to a Christmas tree lot before my surgery, I would have. As luck would have it, our favorite pumpkin patch opened its doors a few weeks before my surgery. We took the kids on a weekday and practically had the place to ourselves. We rode the ponies, pet the goats and sheep, ran down aisle after aisle of big round pumpkins, and came home with some fresh picked strawberries.
Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween.
The weekend before
The final days before my surgery felt like a mad-dash. You know the feeling, right? Like I had to squeeze in all I could, filling every crevice of time with something real, something meaningful. My surgery had been weighing on my mind so heavily that I really hadn’t anticipated life after recovery, my brain frozen in time, my calendar cleared with the words “recovery” written in month after month.
So we celebrated my dad and sister’s birthday early, down in Ventura. It was a warm October day, the time of year when the Santa Susana winds howl wildly and the air feels like someone with hot breath is breathing on you. My sister and I took the kids down to the water’s edge where Hooper made cakes out of sand and Van gave himself a sand beard.
And as the last of the light shined in I realized another day had passed and that meant my surgery would be another day closer. The impending feeling of doom, the ambiguity of what would be, all the uncertainty made better only by the company of family and
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the warmth of the sun.