Instameet at the Huntington Gardens
I had the privilege of meeting up with some beautiful and creative ladies a few months ago at the Huntington in Pasadena. The Huntington is one of my favorite places… you can check out some of my previous visits here and a family session I recently posted here. This particular day was dreadfully hot. Van left with heat rash. Hooper’s hair was, um, sweaty. All for the sake of the gram,
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right? (Willy’s going to kill me for using the word “gram”… and I’m not gonna lie, I kinda hate myself for using it too).
So you better believe we were “those people”. You know, those ones that walk with their phone out in front of them like it’s a metal detector looking for treasure. We were also those people that may have asked to use your umbrella for a few moments cuz’ it made a good photo prop. Sometimes ya just gotta be that person. Hooper and Van tagged along, so ya know, people have a hard time looking at you like you’re crazy with the munchkins in tow.
I try to learn from every photo situation I find myself in. Here’s what I added to the list today:
-Stop blaming the heat. Every time it’s hot, I blame it for zapping my creativity. When I’m in it and the sweat is dripping down my front and back, I use it as an excuse. When I get home and look at what the ol’ camera has on it, I think of at least 5 other great shots I could have done. In the comfort of my air conditioned home, the juices start flowing again. So, I need to get over the heat.
-Leave the kids at home. Sure, this doesn’t always work out. I would have loved to leave them behind for the couple hours that we were there but paying for a babysitter doesn’t always make financial sense and no one was around for me to leave them with. So, you do what ya gotta do. Maybe I could teach them how to fan me so I can get over the aforementioned.
In any event, it was a great day and I really enjoyed meeting some new people. Special thanks to the lovely Sisilia for arranging the meetup.
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You can check out the other lovely ladies as well: @butmomma (super fly), @cottagejournal (she’s crafty she gets around), @melissasonico (would love to photograph her again), @punodostres (homegirl oughta be a singer, she has a voice that’ll make your panties wet). You can follow me on instagram @thestorkandthebeanstalk and you can check out all of our photos under #huntingtonmeetup2013.
A Family Session
Now booking for the New Year! Email me: ashley {at} thestorkandthebeanstalk {dot} com for more information.
Portraits of my children
“The only person you
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are destined to become is the person you decide to be”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
This man has impressed me so much over the last few weeks. His ability to adapt and juggle and show love and compassion while doing so has this mama’s heart all aflutter. I know we’re both eagerly awaiting for life to be normal again, but when that day does come, I also know we’ll appreciate the normalacy more than ever.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

Instameet, Ventura
I told y’all I had a lot of catching up to do… Kelly and I met up back in September under the Ventura County Pier and had fun shooting one another until the sun went down and it was cold enough to make our teeth chatter all the way back to our cars.
How cute is her daughter Franny? And her son Isaac was just as sweet as they come. Truth be told, Hooper was more into Isaac than Franny, but one day he’ll thank me for encouraging him to hold hands with that little blondie.
I always enjoy meeting other photographers. Instagram has such a way of linking up like-minded individuals. I turn to the instagram community often for inspiration and it never lets me down. You can follow Kelly @kksweda and you can also check out her facebook page by clicking here. You can find me, @thestorkandthebeanstalk. Here’s some shots Kelly shot of us. Which ones are your favorite? I’m obsessed with the one of Van holding the stick. My little nomad. 

A day in the life, the outakes
These are the outtakes from the photos I shot for the guest post I did over on Sarah’s blog. You can check out the photos that made the cut by clicking here.
A Family Session
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about bookings in the New Year: ashley {at} thestorkandthebeanstalk {dot} com
A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
Yesterday was the first day I have picked up my “big girl camera” since my surgery. I’ve been on pretty hefty lifting restrictions, as in nothing more than a coffee cup for the first two weeks. I made an exception on Halloween and perhaps paid the price the next day, with an extra sore back and some fun spasms. I couldn’t stand to not document my babes in their sweet lil’ costumes. I’ll share those pics when I get around to it.
In other news, Willy held the fort down for the entire two weeks I was in the hospital. I think he thought he was going to lose his mind and, at times, I thought so too. It ain’t easy running a household, is it? In any event, I know he’s grateful to have his parents here for the past week helping out. I know I am. Hope everyone had a nice Halloween.
You can check out other posts in the series here.
Childhood Unplugged.
A portrait of Hooper, unplugged: hair out of his (yes, HE’s a boy) eyes, breakfast still on his face, a wheel from the truck he’s thrown on the floor one too many times and a plastic hammer tucked in his pull-up (aka his “tool belt”)… Because life {unplugged} is messy, but at least he can see clearly.
You can check out the image I chose this month for the Childhood Unplugged series by clicking here. And you can see other posts in this series by clicking here.
Also, check out Childhood Unplugged on facebook and play along on Instagram by tagging your unplugged kiddo moments with #childhoodunplugged.
Thanks for your support.

A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
Moments like this make any pain go away and any struggle seem beatable. Perspective is everything and this image puts everything in it’s right place.
You can check out other posts in the series here.
Portraits of my children
“Promise me you’ll always remember: you are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”
-Christopher Robin to Pooh Bear
A portrait of my husband, once a week,
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every week, in 2013.
This guy does such a good job taking care of all of us. Not sure what we’d do with out him. This is a throwback pic cuz’ I’m barely starting my long road of recovery following surgery. Thank you all for
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your continued support and well wishes, it means a lot.
You can check out other posts in the series here.
Capturing My Everyday
A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
As I lay here in the hospital, I can’t help but look at this picture and think of how beautifully it captures what was our everyday life. I know our current situation, with me recovering, is temporary but I long to get back to normal and the journey to get there has barely begun.
Pictured above is the moment Papa walked in the door from work earlier this week. I’m including the outtakes this week as well because they’re good for a recovering mama’s soul. 

You can check out other posts in the series here.
A Guest Post: Michelle Gardella
Today is the first guest post of a few I have planned while I’m in the hospital and recovering from my surgery. Michelle is a constant source of inspiration and courage for me. Her talent is one thing, but her soul will absolutely blow you away. She inspired this postI wrote back in June and I’m so thrilled to have her here on The Stork today. I said it before, and I’ll say it again: Asking for help when you’re an artist is a hard thing. When you make something, it becomes an extension of yourself and every time you put that something out into the world, there’s a part of you that becomes vulnerable.
With no further adieu…

I teach a class online, and at the core of the curriculum it’s all about telling the truth. With our photographs, with our words, to the world, and most importantly, to ourselves.
Each week I’d show up and share. And each week, I felt like the biggest coward ever. Here I was, preaching and praying for the reclamation of everyone’s creative fires, but deep inside I was completely ignoring my own. I was encouraging everyone else to fight down their resistance, while completely bowing down to mine. I was waiting for the day when I wasn’t so terrified.
A book.
It has always been my one giant dream. The scary kind of dream that makes you want to run away forever. The kind that keeps you awake at night. The kind that resurrects your biggest inner demons: self-doubt, fear, denial.
A book.
I launched my kickstarter campaign. And it might seem so romantic and beautiful and poetic. And it is! Don’t get me wrong. But it is also in the face of the accumulation of countless inner fights with myself. “What are you thinking?! Why would ANYONE want to see your images or words printed?! If you fail your children will think so little of you!” Yup. My resistance doesn’t mess around, and this whole process has taught me this:
It’s never going to feel easy. It’s never going to feel fearless. Your palms will sweat, and your adrenaline will charge, and your mind will totally keep playing tricks on you. But, you HAVE to do it anyways.
My son shared a quote with me this morning, “Can you be brave when you are totally afraid? In fact, that is the ONLY time it can be called bravery.”
A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
Well, this guy finally came home. It’s always hard when he’s gone and hard for him to be gone (some of the time, anyway…). It’s been back to “normal” life this week but things are about to go haywire as my surgery is just around the corner. We’re soaking up whatever time we have as a family and mentally preparing for the tough road ahead…
You can check out other posts in the series here.
Childhood Unplugged.
When I was a younger women, I’d dream about what motherhood would be like. I used to subscribe to Adbusters and I remember an image they published of a young girl in front of the TV. Her mouth was open, eyes dazed, body slumped. If the TV had not been in the frame, you would have thought she belonged in a mental hospital.
I vowed not to be the kind of mom that let her kids sit in-front of the TV for hours on end.
It seemed like an easy decision before real kids actually entered the picture. Now that I am a mother, I realize that getting the kids out and encouraging them to interact with dare-I-say-it, their environment, is – well – a lot of work for me.
I’m not a perfect parent. In fact, I’m well aware of my shortcomings. Truth be told, I put Super Why! on for Hooper so I could sit down to write this post in peace. Van’s napping.
The flip-side of limiting technology in your child’s life is that you have play an active roll. By the same token, for me, less TV means more fighting over toys, more hitting, slower and more frustrating meal times, and less peace n’ quiet.
And yet, I think know it’s really important.
It’s with great pride I introduce you to Childhood Unplugged. I’ve been invited to share one image, once a month, along with several other photographers I’m pleased as pie to be associated with. You can click on the button below to see the image I chose and to check out the images others chose as well.
How did you unplug this month?
A Family Session
When Summer comes back
around, I’ll be opening slots for up to three family sessions at the Huntington Gardens (where these photos were taken). Details to follow at a later date and time. Thanks for all your support!