Portraits of my children

I opted to photograph Willy for the 52 week project this year for a lot of reasons. For one, men are often neglected in the baby blog world. I wanted to pay tribute to Willy and all he represents. Additionally, I photograph my children endlessly. I have more than a portrait a week to share of each of them and dedicating an additional post each week seemed redundant. In any event, these are some portraits of my little guys from the past few weeks that I wanted to share. Find yourself wondering if our children are ever in clothes? The answer is sometimes, but more often than not, rarely (less laundry). And yes, we tucked Hooper’s tank into his undies and then we giggled about it. And his little bird legs? They kill me too. Just like his Papa.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
This man o’ mine has been real into cooking lately (he’s the chef in our house). Two of my favs from the menu this past week: Chicken parmigiana with homemade pink wine sauce

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and Chicken with shallot cream sauce. Then there was the night we ordered pizza and brought it to the park… There’s always a night like that on the menu each week as well. I’m trying to get him on-board with a guest post to share some of his recipes… Stay tuned…

Last week I loved this series, especially the one of the little girl int he alleyway. The colors and the light are magical together. I also loved this series, because I’m partial to other series that involve the hubsters; And the photography is great.
You can check out other posts in the series here.


A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
Tonight Willy and I are spending our first night away from both boys, ever. We have a wedding in Lake Arrowhead and are staying the night so we can actually enjoy ourselves. I have no doubt we’ll be high fiving one another as we pull out of my mom and dad’s driveway after dropping the boys off… Then, an hour later, we’ll be talking about how much we miss them. Such is parenthood, right?
I love these images from last week. Those little hairs on the boy in the last photo on the skateboard kills me. Such great images. And that little ballerina on the floor… It makes my ovaries hurt.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
My husband. Aka the man who will do a belly flop for the sake of your portrait series. I love the man, I do.
As for last week, I loved both the photo and editing of Abigail’s photo. I’m obviously drawn to the father son moment as well. I mean his little hands on his Papa’s back, get out… right? So sweet.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
We spent part of this last week in Arizona, visiting family. Willy was born and raised there, though he chooses only to associate himself with California these days. California will do that to you, I suppose. In any event, we met the bright blue eyed little girl that has so graciously given us the title of Aunt and Uncle, and we couldn’t be more proud. I’ll share some bits + pieces from our trip next week. I’m also working on a new family video.
I loved this capture from Grow Till Tall from last week, especially the one with her little nose pushed up against the window. So cute.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
True story: Willy used to have a tramp stamp. And by tramp stamp, I mean he used to have a tattoo on his low back of a palm tree and wave. I suppose it was something the Arizona-born kid got when he decided he’d like to call California home. He threw around ideas of what he wanted to cover it up with years later when he decided he no longer liked his little stamp. We were at my parents home when I directed him to this painting of a ship. It’s a painting my parents have had for years and I’ve always loved it. Next thing you know, he comes home with a ship on his back.
I other news, I loved this series or portraits from last weeks entries. A portrait of a portrait? Love it.
Side note: The standings over on Top Baby Blogs have been reset. I finished this last quarter in 4th place, which blows my mind. Thanks to everyone who continues voting. I’d love your vote to maintain my standing. You can vote daily. Thank you for all of your continued support.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
I always support things like bachelor parties in theory because, in theory, everyone deserves a break. But the reality is that it’s hard being a single parent and I’m always reminded of this when Willy is gone for more than a day. I get it when it’s work related, but when he’s away for a bachelor party, I always want to greet him with a punch in the face. Not because I’m mad, but because it’s hard when he’s away. In any event, I battled a mean mom funk in the two days he was gone. Nothing seemed to go right; it was one of those weekends where you sit down to pee only to realize no one restocked the toilet paper.
He returned home with what he refers to as his “party glasses” and they are, uh, reflective, to say the least. I thought they were joke glasses; something to be tucked away in his suitcase that’s filled with elephant thong underwear, size 22 tennis shoes, and various wigs (ya, he’s that guy). But no, he wore them to dinner the next night. And he’s quite proud of them too. I mean just look at that smirk on his face. I married a big kid and I love him for it.
In other news, I really enjoyed Haus of Soul’s capture last week. I have fond memories of road trippin’ through White Sands and it’s one place, among many, that I’d really like to return to.
You can check out other posts in the series here.


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Family Photos, via self-timer

Everyone loves family photos. Even with as many pictures as I take, we hardly ever have any with all four of us together. It takes much more effort, for starters, to get myself in front of the camera. Willy doesn’t care for (and by doesn’t care, I practically mean detests) taking photos. Since starting my 52 week project, his attitude about being in front of the camera is much improved but I still struggle to get him to take any photos of me with the boys or dare-I-say a photo with all of us together.
Most, if not all, of our family photos have been taken using the self-timer and if your camera has this capability, it’s something I strongly recommend (as a side note, there is a self-timer app on the iPhone). Using the self-timer creates a much more natural photograph and also allows for the element of surprise as you’re not quite sure when your ten seconds are up; thus it promotes more of a candid capture which is what I personally prefer anyway.
The self-timer, however, is still not the end all be all. Sure, it can take the photo but I’m still responsible for rallying the troops. As if the two wild cards aren’t enough, I often have convince the mister to join in- with a good attitude- as well. If it sounds like I have to pull teeth to get a family photo, then you’re getting the right idea. But I’ll pull whatever teeth I have to because I’ve never been disappointed by a family photo. There’s something so special about looking at us all together, sharing

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a moment in time that seconds later is considered the past.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
“Just as the wave cannot exist for itself, but is ever a part of the heaving surface of the ocean, so must I never live my life for itself, but always in the experience which is going on around me”. -Albert Schweitzer
You can check out other posts in the series here.


A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
I heard this quote from comedian Patton Oswalt the other day on the radio, in reference to the bombing at the Boston Marathon. When things like this happen, when evil shows it’s reckless ways, Willy and I wonder about this world we’ve brought our two lovely children into. I’ve heard people that do not have children of their own question whether having children is a good idea, given the nastiness we live in at times. My desire to mother children superseded any debate about not to do so, but now that I have two children to protect and teach, the ugliness in the world weighs more heavily on me. It’s one more thing that we, as parents, have no control over.
In any case, Patton Oswalt’s words were just what I needed to hear and I wanted to share his words here for anyone that has yet to hear what he had to say.
“I remember, when 9/11 went down, my reaction was, ‘Well, I’ve had it with humanity.’ But I was wrong,” Patton wrote. “I don’t know what’s going to be revealed to be behind all of this mayhem. One human insect or a poisonous mass of broken sociopaths.
But here’s what I DO know”, he continued. “If it’s one person or a HUNDRED people, that number is not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population on this planet. You watch the videos of the carnage and there are people running TOWARDS the destruction to help out.
The vast majority stands against that darkness and, like white blood cells attacking a virus, they dilute and weaken and eventually wash away the evil doers and, more importantly, the damage they wreak. This is beyond religion or creed or nation. We would not be here if humanity were inherently evil. We’d have eaten ourselves alive long ago.
So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, ‘The good outnumber you, and we always will.'”
When I look at this picture of Willy and Van, it’s difficult to comprehend the realities present outside of this little home of ours. This picture reminds me not of what we cannot accomplish as parents, but what we can: love, respect, humor.
Patton Oswalt’s words are undeniably powerful and true. In times where we struggle to make sense of it all and in a world where evil undeniably exists, we’re going to teach our children to be the white blood cells.
You can check out other posts in the series here.


A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
We share such a deep love for our boys. When I look at this photo, I see a tired Hooper- blanket in hand, fingers in mouth- and a father who not only welcomes his sons vulnerability, but understands that holding his small body in his arms is a privilege. Every time I hold either of my boys in my arms, I feel grateful. There really is no love like the love of a parent for their children.
One of my favorites from last week was Rebekka, who is photographing a different person each week. I suggest checking out her blog as well, as it is simply beautiful and wonderfully inspiring. I love the way this project has brought many different bloggers and photographers together. There are so many talented and inspiring people out there.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
See that man up there? He has never been stoked with my incessant photo taking. I asked his permission, of course, before committing myself to this 52 week photo project. He obliged, but I don’t think it was until week 3 or 4 that he realized this meant a camera would be in his face at least once a week. This week, something magical happened; he went to sit outside and enjoy the wonderful springtime weather and while I was working away at my computer I heard him yell, “Don’t you want to come take my picture?”. I know, I know, it’s crazy; The complacency, the motivation, the willingness… who is this man? Week 14, you’re going down in the books.
Something else special about this man I call my husband: He took the day off yesterday and gifted me a “Mama day”. I got a massage in the morning and ran a few errands (by myself) in the afternoon. I won’t even mention the filet mignon he cooked for dinner and the cupcake he picked up for me at the store for dessert. Okay, I know, I mentioned it. I sure do love this man.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
Life has been busy, busy, busy as of late. Willy’s been spending a lot of time in Palm Springs for work which means I’ve been single mommin’ it or tagging along and hanging out in random hotel rooms with our members. Throw in the dreaded rotavirus and the fact that I am still (technically speaking) a working mom whether it’s part time or not and you’ll understand why I have yet to post the photos from our trip to Arizona and why there’s laundry spread all over the house and trash in random piles (recycle this, donate that) all over the place. By the time I put the kids to bed, all I want to do is enjoy a glass of wine and unwind but all this ish seems to be starring at me dead in the face and it keeps calling me lazy. I keep telling it to shut the eff up.
Anyway, this pic was taken in Palm Springs. Which reminds me that I’m behind on posting those pics as well. But this wine sure tastes good, so whatevs.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
As they say in Thailand, same same, but different. The way they both appear to be biting, just slightly, their bottom lips; their gaze off into the distance. I really love these two.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
This guy has the hardest time when the littles are, well, little. Van is all about me; as soon as I hand him off he’s throwing himself back in my direction. But apparently when I’m out of sight, I’m out of mind. I caught these two sharing a moment before his bath and I grabbed my camera and hung out outside the door, out of sight. This may be my favorite picture of these two. He may love his mama, but as Willy said the other day, “When he’s sweet, he’s really sweet”.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
It’s been a hard last few days. Hooper’s had a runny nose for a few weeks now and came down with a 103+ temperature just a few days ago. Willy had a fever as well and spent two consecutive days in bed, for the most part. And, oh yeah, now Van’s sick. Somehow, amongst all the shit thrown my way, I’ve managed to get Van’s clothes sorted and organized; that kid grows faster than pubic hair after marriage. I’ve also managed to put together a special gathering at our house today. I cleaned the yard, brought stuff that had been stashed in the corner out to the garage, and cleaned the house. And, oh yeah, I ended last night with two glasses of wine; so it ain’t all snot rags and shitty diapers. I’m sure my fate as the only healthy one in the house is doomed and I’m trying hard to ignore the reality that I most likely will be joining them soon.
Best cure around, according to Willy: Grandpa’s cough syrup. AKA whiskey. Ain’t nothin’ like attacking the germs with the peaty burn of whiskey.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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Something you may not know about this man: He’s the easiest going guy, for the most part, but is the most particular about the most peculiar things; Like the ice he puts in his drink. He’ll engage you in a conversation about how the right kind of ice cubes make his whiskey taste better and you’ll walk away from the conversation no longer believing the ice in your freezer is adequate.
You can check out other photos from the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
I laugh every time he uses the word accolades. He harbors resentment for whoever decided on the five day work week. I get mad when he stares at me while I’m trying to fall asleep. He drinks a lot of milk. I am his wife, he is my husband. BooYah!
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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