Click here to check out the series, in its entirety
His & Hers
Never has there been a more dynamic duo. Well, in my book anyway. I suppose Simon & Garfunkl and, perhaps, Cheech & Chong may say otherwise but Jimmy Marble and Amanda Jasnowski go together like peanut butter and jelly. Everything these two touch turns to gold. Jimmy’s style is reminicent of a contemporary William Eggleston and when mixed with Amanda’s out-of-this-world relationship with light, these two can do no wrong. Take a look for yourself.
HIS @jimmymarble

HERS @hokaytokay

Wonder what a collaboration between these two would produce? Wonder no further. They teamed up last summer for ReForm School’s summer catelogue. Check it out:

Now if that ain’t eye candy, I don’t know what is.
And, seriously, all this isn’t enough, Mr. Jimmy he-does-it-all Marble also sells banners. 
I mentioned the Like Knows Like project in my last feature of his & hers, long ago. Recently featured was Amanda (@hokeytokey). You can check it out by clicking here.
An Engagement Session, with Kim & Chris
Let me capture your love. Email me: ashley {at} thestorkandthebeanstalk {dot} com to book your session today.
A portrait of my boys, once a week, every week in 2014
We (well, the kids and I) are back in Arizona this week as things with the new home remain unfinished. So it goes, right? Fortunately we have lots of family that welcome, and then re-welcome, us with open arms. Through all of the chaos as of late, family has been our saving grace.
Van: Is determined to throw a wrench into my recovery. His defiance wears on me physically and chews up and spits out any amount of patience I have left. He listens, eventually, but it’s always on his terms and on his time. I was trying to get him to follow me to the car when I snapped this picture.
Hooper: Insisted on taking off his shoes because they were “dirty” but is apparently not bothered by bare, dirty feet. Also, he can run across a field full of sharp rocks without wincing; soles of steel, I tell ya.
Click here to check out the series, in its entirety
A portrait of my boys, once a week, every week in 2014
Van: Has been sleeping until 9 am.
Hooper: Has a black (or green, as he calls it) eye compliments of his brother, whose forehead he met around a corner. Willy laughed, asking me, “Remember getting black eyes as a kid?”. I had to remind him that I’m a girl.
Click here to check out the series, in its entirety
A portrait of my boys, once a week, every week in 2014
Van: Has been in a very contrary mood as of late, with his favorite word being “no”.
Hooper: Has been very difficult to keep clothed.
**I got behind on posting the series here due to computer issues from the move. I’ll be posting again tomorrow and will hopefully be back on track. Fingers crossed.
Click here to check out the series, in its entirety
Travel Sessions
Now, how’s that for a long shot?
Mothers & Daughters
“You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow, they’ll be a little older than they are today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. Smell and touch them; Study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today, mama. It will be over before you know it.” -Jen Hatmaker
In the spirit of Mother’s day, I’m offering a reduced rate when you book your mother-child session within the next two weeks: ashley {at} thestorkandthebeanstalk {dot} com.
A portrait of my boys, once a week, every week in 2014
Van: Has been coming up and thrusting his pelvis onto my leg with threats of peeing on me. Something he learned from his brother.
Hooper: Asks every now and again to see Sarah in a very matter-of-fact tone and is more or less confused why this makes me cry every time. Also, he is eating a booger in this picture.
Click here to check out the series, in its entirety
A Family Session
My beautiful friends Marin & Evan, and their new baby, August.
Interested in booking a session? Email me: ashley {at} thestorkandthebeanstalk {dot} com.
Photo Field Trip
I’ve written and erased this post about a hundred times and, for a bit, settled on letting the pictures speak for themselves in an effort to leave out any negativity. But, I always keep it real on here and I don’t want this experience to be excluded.
I had a great time, I did. I met some fantastically amazing people – some that I have met before, others that I felt like I knew because we’ve forged such a strong friendship already through instagram alone, and others that I met for the first time and loved.
Photo field trip was something that started as a small-ish gathering. I remember emailing the person in charge about my picky eating (I eat like a 5 year old, in case you didn’t already know) and she personally assured me that if I couldn’t find something I’d like that they would order me pizza. Not that I thought that would actually happen, but I liked the idea of it being small and personal. The event blew up, however, and not long after that email they opened up several other spots and what was once a not-so-big-event suddenly became a 300+ person event.
If you didn’t know anyone, ie. if you are not active in the instagram community, I imagine it carried the potential to be a lonely event. There was that same anxiety present as when you walk into the lunchroom at a new school and wonder where you are going to sit and who is going to talk to you.
I took several different classes; some were great and others were just okay. In the end, I walked away more stoked on the social aspect than the educational aspect.
I feel like this all has to be said because it has yet to be said. It’s not said to discount anyone else’s experience, as I too came home motivated and on “on a high”. I know others who did not, however, and that makes me sad.
In any event, I hope to return next year if for no other reason than to meet up with a handful of other photographers that I now call real-life friends. I also hope to return and put my nerves to the side and branch out and meet more people and perhaps make some of those that are less familiar with the community feel a little more welcome.
Thursday morning, as I was getting the kids into the car, Willy and I watched helplessly as Sarah was hit by a car in front of our home. There have been lots of tears and lots of replaying of a horrific event over and over in our heads. I have no words, only tears and a lot of them. When I can find the words, I will share. She deserves that much, and more.
A portrait of my boys, once a week, every week in 2014
Van: Eats his bagel
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with cream cheese and dirt on top
Hooper: Looks for monsters on top of hills and behind trash cans
Ha! Remember the days when I tried to include Willy and myself in this series? They’re gone.
Click here to check out the series, in its entirety
Arizona Sessions
Image design by Janet Lurssen
Instagram: The Pros + Cons
Joining instagram, for me, has become more than joining some social media app; in joining instagram, I’ve become part of a community of mothers, photographers, and like-minded people. Whether it be one of those days where caring for two young boys has got the best of me or one of those days where recovering from surgery has me feeling more or less defeated, the community I’m part of on instagram always lifts me up. I’ve received an overwhelming amount of support and encouragement that leaves me feeling incredibly grateful and humbled daily. That’s pretty special.
I am my own worst critique. Truthfully, I can’t stand looking back at stuff I shot just six months ago because I feel like my vision is constantly evolving. Being able to shoot and post on a daily basis, even if it is just with my iPhone, keeps this vision I speak of fresh and new and ever-changing.
It keeps me humble. There are so many talented people that post award-worthy images every single day.
They say with everything, you get better with practice. And it’s true. Shooting daily with my iPhone has encouraged me to see things differently through my real camera; to adjust settings, expose differently, capture light in new ways. The more you do something, the better you get; plain and simple.
Never before have I thought so far out of the box. Scrolling through my feed, little seeds are planted and, in time, they sprout and grow into something entirely their own. I’m sitting on so many ideas that literally sprint back and forth in my mind and the creative energy soothes me like heroin to an addict.
I’ve met people through instagram that quickly became real life friends. And friendships are always beautiful and treasured things.
Instagram has been a great way to connect me with clients. It feels so good when someone contacts me about a session and mentions they found me via instagram. To me, this means that they like my work on a daily basis and that’s one of the best compliments around. I consider it one of the biggest honors and privileges to photograph other people and/or families, so to be chosen in an era where the photography market is saturated with photographers, it’s pretty special.
I love supporting others. Though it takes a lot of time and preparation, I love taking over the @childhoodunplugged feed because I love getting the opportunity to showcase the work of others. It feels so good to give back and introduce others to images that have touched me or influenced me in some way. Again, this speaks -in part- to the beautiful instagram community. 
– – –
Art gets monotonized. It’s bittersweet. At some point, someone snapped a lovely picture of themselves from above enjoying their latte and the next thing you know there were a thousand photos from other photographers with their favorite book on the table and their hand holding their coffee mug, from above. Same thing with shadows on the wall; makes me wonder if any of us can refrain from placing our kid directly in the afternoon light on the wall in an effort to create something we saw before. Want to know what kind of shoes someone owns? Just search their feed for a #fromwhereistand photo; pretty sure we all have one. I’m guilty of these too, so in no way am I pointing fingers or naming names. We influence each other and, as I said, it’s bittersweet.
Art produces energy and, at times, I sense a negative energy; I think it stems from some sort of weird competitive aura. People get all weird about how many likes they get on their photos or how many followers they have. I hate having to wonder if people tag me in an image because they are hoping I tag them back (and thus bring them some new followers) or because they really care #widn (what I’m doing right now). I’ve read posts where people have admitted to feeling anxious over what to post and if people will like it. Others have attested to being in “posting ruts”, which insinuates that there is some sort of weird inner pressure to post something even when you’re not feelin’ it. People get carried away and seem to lose all sight of perspective.
By the same token, I recently learned that there is an app that notifies you of when someone “de-follows” you, which I think is just pure craziness. Again, when it becomes more about the numbers and less about the content or the relationships, a tragedy has occurred. I personally like following many different people who shoot a variety of things and in an effort to keep it intimate, I like to keep the number of people I follow to a minimum. And thus, I “un-follow” people all the time so that I can follow someone new instead. It doesn’t mean that I don’t like their work, not at all. You wouldn’t go to a museum over and over again if they continually featured the same artists, right? I like to mix it up and it hurts my heart to think that some may take offense to that.
There are a ton of very, very successful photographers that don’t have a huge instagram presence or following. So, when I come across someone who hangs to every follower as some magical number that’s going to launch their photography career, I’m reminded that there are small picture thinkers and big picture thinkers. The take home message: ignore
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your number of followers.