A Maternity Session, with Anne Rivera

Please, introduce yourself to my readers.

Hi, my name is Anne. I’m married to my best friend Ruben and mom to our four (soon to be five) wonderful children. I’m a macrame and music enthusiast, thrift store lover, a somewhat lazy blogger and an etsy shop owner.

Where were you born and raised?


I was born and raised in Orange County, Ca.

Is it crazy to ask a Mama like yourself, pregnant with your fifth babe, if you plan on having anymore?


Well, no. None of our children were planned so I suppose it’s never a crazy question. That being said I honestly don’t feel like my body could take another pregnancy. I don’t mind giving birth and I love the kids but being pregnant is not something I necessarily enjoy.

How messy is your house? I mean, seriously, there’s soon-to-be five of them.  


Hmm, well it’s certainly not a museum! The downstairs is usually pretty picked up. I vacuum nearly every day and typically save a full tidying up for the evening before my husband gets home, otherwise I’d be picking up all day long. The upstairs has a tendency to be messier but I really try to keep things somewhat orderly because a full blown mess is upsetting to my mental state.  We don’t have a ton of toys as I routinely go through them and donate what doesn’t get played with. I think the best way to keep a handle on it is to have a place for everything (I’m still working on that!) and to not have a lot of excess and multiples.

Your style is on point. Will you dress me? 


Sure! Your body type looks good in anything!

No, really. Please, pick out some clothes for me.

Since 95% of my wardrobe is thrifted we’ll have to make a thrifting date 🙂

Quick! Five tips for the thrifts.


1. Look in every section. Things get put down randomly all over the stores so you never know what could be hiding in an unexpected area.
2. You have to go often.
3. Know that you aren’t going to find something amazing every time. It’s hit or miss for everyone.
4. I usually will go in with a few things in mind. When you’re keeping an eye out for something in particular it’s easier to find.
5. Go without kids if you can 🙂

Your home is decorated so lovely. Can I have the rug in your living room? I joke. Really though, is most everything thrifted? 


Oh, thank you! The rugs were hand-me-down’s from Dad actually. He and my Step mom bought them in the southwest a long time ago and when they moved to the house they’re in now they didn’t use them. They sat in the closet for years until I asked if they were interested in making me very happy by giving them to me. They did!  Other than that, most of the decorative things are thrifted and the furniture is store bought. I’m still holding out on art until I find pieces that I’m in love with. I’d rather stare at a blank wall than a painting or photograph that is only there temporarily.

Describe a typical weekend at your house.



How did you and your husband meet? 


We met through mutual friends but coincidentally worked two doors down from each other. He had come in to eat at the restaurant I worked at and noticed me. A few weeks later I came into the store he was managing to buy a shirt for New Years Eve and he came over to help me. After I left I put two and two together and realized he was the guy my friend kept telling me about. A couple weeks later I was with said friend and we went to go see his band play. We ended up missing their set but when he and I walked past each other and met eyes we said something like, “oh, hey it’s you!”. That was 15+ years ago and we’ve pretty much been together since.

Tell me about your husband’s band. 


He sings and plays guitar in a band called Bordertown Saints. Classifying bands can be tricky…he said they are Americana. It’s my favorite band he’s been in thus far. His songwriting has definitely blossomed over these past 3 or 4 years.

Describe the girl you were in high school.


Let’s see…I was definitely not a popular girl. I was similar to how I am now in many ways. I had a good group of friends and we went to A LOT of concerts and local shows. I still have most of my concert ticket stubs. I was pretty quiet, didn’t date many people and wasn’t overly interested in school. I started thrifting in high school and had some really amazing clothes that I unfortunately got rid of my senior year when I became gothic. I still apologize to my parents for putting them through those two years. They were dark days indeed 🙂

I want to eat Marianne. Can I?


Sure! She’d probably let you 😉

I read that you’re into eating raw. How about the other members of your gang? I have a hard enough time getting Hooper to eat chicken nuggets, not sure what he’d do if I changed it up so drastically. Advise me.


I’m no expert but I think a lot has do with what their first foods were. My oldest son Max was fed as advised by the pediatrician (baby cereal and jarred baby food) and he is by far my least adventurous eater. The rest of my children were fed what we ate and lots of fresh fruit and I find they are more open to raw foods. Shane and Marianne grew up drinking green smoothies and many of my raw recipes so they will typically eat what I make or at least try it. If they have no other option except what you place before them they will eventually eat it. They won’t let themselves starve. Also, as much as love to eat healthfully, we do eat fast food occasionally and I let the kids have sweets and soda sometimes. I believe moderation is the key. I don’t want them to grow up and go junk food crazy because they never had it as a kid. Raw desserts are great way to start because they are sweet and what wee one doesn’t like sweets?!

Your backyard is a nature preserve. I’m jealous. 


It is a big treat! One I am very grateful to have. The best part for me is all the birds. Now, if I could just identify all of them 🙂

You’re on an island, alone, and you can only listen to one song. Which do you chose. Okay, fine. That’s hard. Choose three.


WOW! Hardest question ever! I’ll attempt to answer it although I know I’ll be unsatisfied with my answer in 5 minutes. Ok, here goes nothin’- Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major by J.S. Bach,  Brokendown Palace live by Grateful Dead and Return of The Grevious Angel by Gram Parsons. But how could I live on a deserted island without Neil Young, Tom Waits, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Bob Dylan, The Doors and… Yeah, I take it back. I would definitely need a Neil Young song in there, maybe Helpless. Hahaha, nevermind. I can’t answer this question!

Do you ever stop doing dishes or laundry? 


Nope. Nor does it ever seem that I’m caught up. Ideally I should be doing 2 loads a day, five days a week but I don’t. The older kids help but it’s still never ending. The cooking and dishes are endless as well because we rarely eat out. But at least I enjoy making meals! Laundry… it still hasn’t gown on me.

I support home birth with my whole heart. I tried to have each of my boys at home and have ended up in the hospital both times (though still managed to have a natural, unmedicated birth). I know you have experienced both a hospital and home birth. Can you touch briefly on the pros and cons of each?

It’s such a personal preference. I know plenty of women who love going to the hospital, who would rather schedule a c-section and those who have no interest in feeling any of it. To each his own. I don’t judge but for me home births are FAR superior to hospital births. My first two were born in the hospital with the typical song and dance of being induced, epidural and episiotomy. I had wanted natural births but I think I was just too young and unknowledgeable to fight for what I wanted (I was 20 and 22). I didn’t think I had a choice. One of our friends had a home birth around the time my second was born and I was fascinated! I didn’t know that was even an option. I told my husband that if I ever got pregnant again that I wanted a home birth. Well, 7 years later I was pregnant again (and then again 2 years later) and I had the best experiences.

The only con of a home birth I can think of is it’s easy to start being too active too early. Since you’re at home you can easily forget what a huge ordeal your body just went through and end up walking around too much. Pros of a hospital birth- you’re already there in case of an emergency. Cons (it’s been 12 years since my last hospital birth so perhaps things have changed since then?)- even though you are just about to do the most physical thing in your life, you aren’t allowed to eat, you are more likely to have unwanted and sometimes unnecessary procedures done to you and you have to birth on your back not in a position that’s comfortable to you.

For this upcoming birth I will be back at the hospital due to insurance. I plan on doing things differently this time although I think it’ll much harder to have an unmedicated birth in the hospital. I’ll have to let you know how it goes.

How has this pregnancy differed from the others?

My first three pregnancies were great. Nothing about my everyday life changed really. These last two pregnancies have gotten progressively harder. This one being the hardest. I can’t exercise at all or even walk far without being incredibly uncomfortable and in pain. It really is a cross but obviously well worth it. Let’s just say I’ll be very happy when the baby gets here!

Your children range in ages from 2 to 15. What’s been your favorite ages thus far and why?

Each age totally has it’s own pro and con’s. I think a really fun age is 5. They are old enough to have a conversation with you and are curious about all sorts of things. They have passed the baby stage and are more independent but haven’t reached the teen years. It’s a nice calm before the storm when they still think you have all the answers.

It took me longer to love my second than it did my first. After my first born, I became a witness to how your love for them grows day after day. So, when I had my second, I knew the love I had for him that first day would piddle in comparison to the love I’d have for him in just a few short months. And, sure enough, I was right. Can you relate? How has bonding changed from one child to the other, for you?

Hmm, I feel like I bonded the same with all of them. Having children really young was way different from being older but I always felt that immediate bond upon seeing their little faces.

You look much to young to have a 15 year old. That’s not a question, but rather a statement. You can respond to it if you wish, or pocket the compliment and move right along. 

Hahaha! I was 20 when I had my first, which is young nowadays. People think I’m his sister all the time.

Tell me about your Etsy shop.

I sell my handmade macrame plant hangers and vintage clothes. I’m hoping over this next year to slowly cut back on the vintage and try to concentrate solely on macrame and other handmade goods.

My husband and I hope to open an Etsy shop this year. Advise for first time shop “owners”?

I’m no authority on this but I find the more you list, the more traffic and sales you get. Great pictures help tremendously but I think you’ll have that covered 😉

Anne Rivera | A Cup Full of Sunshine | Etsy

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A portrait of my family, once a week, every week in 2014
Hooper: Carefully picked off each sprinkle, licked off all the icing, then ate the cupcake
Van: Would have put the whole thing in his mouth at once if only he had a bigger mouth
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A portrait of my family, once a week, every week in 2014
A stop in at

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the local reptile shop:

Van: Loved the turtles
Hooper: Got scared when the giant lizard stuck out it’s giant tongue
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iPhoneography @ The Define School

I have loads to say about instagram and iPhoneography, so much so that I’ll be sharing different thoughts on the topic once a week or so over the next month (or so).  I wanted to start by introducing you to three different classes that The Define School now offers to strengthen your iPhoneography skills. Yes, there are classes on how to use the camera on your phone. Sound crazy? If you saw what some people are doing with their iPhones, it wouldn’t sound so crazy. Kevin Russ, for example, has been described as the Ansel Adams of iPhoneography; and for good reason, his work is mind blowing. Makes you wonder if the fancy cameras are even worth it. 
I’ve had many of friends purchase a DSLR and come to me asking how to use it. And, truth is, it’s not something you can teach someone in one sitting. And, truthfully speaking, it’s not something a lot of people have the patience to learn in the absence of true, innate passion.
But the iPhone is easy to operate. So easy, in fact, that you can’t go to a concert or Disneyland or playground without seeing a whole heap of moms (and dads) with their phones out and pointed in their kid’s faces. The iPhone has made everyone a photographer.
What many don’t know, however, is how easily you can improve the quality of the photos you capture. Simple things like tuning into composition or becoming a storyteller through your photographs. Within each of us, there is an artist and the iPhone is fantastic in that it can easily bring the artist in all of us to the surface.
The Define School has teamed up with the iArtist Collective to offer three different classes on iPhoneography. Here’s a bit about each one:
The Foundation of iPhoneography, by Audrey Breheney, goes over the inner workings of your iPhone’s camera, lighting and composition, apps and social sharing platforms, organization and storage of your photos, as well as fun DIY projects.
Self + Art, by Carolyn Mara Borlenghi, speaks to exercising your creativity, tools to battling road blocks, and battling criticism.
A Mother’s Story, by Soud Thammavongsa, discusses documentary style photography, images that capture you in an individual role as a mother, and applying your newly-learned approach to your everyday life.
Let me know if any of you decide to sign up for the classes! And check back over the next couple of weeks as I will be sharing some iPhoneography tips as well as some pros + cons to instagram.

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Childhood Unplugged

We moved Van into a big boy bed this month and spent loads of unplugged time jumping and horsing around. Time infront of the TV is a saving grace, at times, because -as you can see- unplugged time always involves some sort of tackling. As I move further down this road of recovery, I hope to spend more and more unplugged time outdoors.
Please show my fellow Childhood Unplugged comrades some love by checking out their submissions over on the Childhood Unplugged blog. You can follow @childhoodunplugged on instagram, where we take turns featuring images from loads of other photographers and / or mothers who are joinging the movement and making an effort to unplug.

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A Family Session, with The Allen Family

A lot of photographers speak to the lack of photos that they take of their own children, opting often for their iPhones and saving their “real cameras” for shoots only. This has never been me. In fact, I’m finding that I’m growing bored of shooting my own children and am actually yearning and craving and dreaming of shooting other people, places, and families. Walking up to a family’s doorstep is like stepping foot into the office on the first day of the job every time. And I’m addicted to that nervous, anxious rush that it brings. I’m dying to shoot more. If you’re interested in scheduling a shoot or want to work together on a project, email me: ashley {at} thestorkandthebeanstalk {dot} com for more info. I have a special deal going on for those who book now for the month of April. Because I value my time with my family and also because I’m still in the throws of recovery, I’ll only be booking a couple sessions a month. I’d love to hear from you.

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A portrait of my family, once a week, every week in 2014
This week has been a busy one with talks of the not-so-distant-future and a lot of reorganizing. I know I’ve been doing more than I should, so today I’m resting. I didn’t get around to snapping pics of Willy and I this week.
Van: Hates when Hooper takes his lawn mower away
Hooper: Thinks the sofa is only for him (and his toys)
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Margaret Jacobsen

Born: Los Angeles, CA
Wants to go: Iceland
Favorite place: San Francisco, CA
Lives: Portland, OR
Margaret Jacobson | Photographer | Aspiring yogini
I met fellow photographer Marge via instagram back in November and instantly fell in love because of her free and fun-loving spirit. As an added bonus, after a mid-afternoon Belgium waffle and mimosa, she was willing to step in-front of my lens for a little personal project I’m in the midst of shooting.
You can check out some of Margaret’s work by clicking here and follow her on instagram by clicking here. Hey Marge, it was a pleasure.

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A portrait of my family, once a week, every week in 2014
Van: I’m pretty sure if he could open the refrigerator, all the food would be gone
Hooper: Raisin fiend
Willy: Took me on a date where I had breakfast for lunch (my favorite)
Me: Trying to get used to life without my back brace
Click here to check out the series, in its entirety

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A few

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snapshots of my beautiful friend and her beautiful daughter.

Interested in booking a lifestyle session? Email me: ashley {at} thestorkandthebeanstalk {dot} com.

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A portrait of my family, once a week, every week in 2014
And so the New Year has begun. Those of you that follow me on instagram know that our New Year has gotten off to a shaky start. I was discharged from the hospital yesterday after being admitted the day prior with dehydration following an episode of passing out while on the toilet at home. Once again, Willy was there to catch my fall – thank goodness he had gotten up with me – and an ambulance came to transfer me to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning while the boys were still sleeping. It was a scary ordeal for him and a draining go-ahead-and-kick-me-while-I’m-down episode for me. I’m feeling much better at the moment now that the stomach bug seems to have run it’s course.
For a moment, I thought I might miss the first post of my new 52 week project. Talk about catastrophes, a? Anyway, my plan for this project is to rotate subjects between all four of us. I’m starting with the boys because you don’t want to see Willy’s stressed out face or my pale post-barfing puffy face, I can assure you.
Are you participating in a 52 week portrait series? If so, leave me a link in the comment section; I love to check out other’s projects.
Click here to check out my 52 week project from 2013.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
I didn’t stop loving my husband when my children were born, but love – in general – became redefined. My love for my children was all-consuming and nothing in the world seemed to measure up to the love I had for them. I’m speaking in past tense, but my love for them today is the same.
I payed less attention to my marriage in those early days as my new motherly instinct took over. I didn’t love Willy any less, per say. Rather, I had one little man whose life literally depended on me and one real man who was more or less capable of caring for himself. And so my attention went to my son.
And then, before we knew it, there were two. Everyone says your love multiplies and while I agree with a few astrics attached, I’d argue further that your attention gets divided. And suddenly, Willy fell further from the front of my mind. I didn’t nurture our relationship like I once did. In fact, at times I’d say I even resented what seemed to be an uneven amount of “shared” responsibility. I had envisioned entering motherhood as a team and the reality of it was that I somehow had more responsibilities; my life felt more heavily impacted.
As a side note, our marriage didn’t suffer. I can’t say that this was a hard time for us or that we fought a lot; Rather, there was a lot of adjusting and sorting and trying to keep our heads above water and life continued on and eventually we got our bearings as new parents. A lot of what I’m saying now are things that I’ve recognized in hindsight.
And so, at the start of 2013 when I thought about joining Jodi’s 52 week project, I thought of my husband.
You see, having a second kid has a way of knocking you over the head. When Van came along, our world became chaotic. Not necessarily all at once, but gradually. I mean two kids so close together in age is hard. And at some point in the shuffle I remember looking over at Willy and feeling overcome with gratitude. He is my partner. I get to navigate my way through this chaos with him, my best friend.
It’s funny… You spend your young adult years dating and searching for the “one” and, if you’re lucky, you find him and chose him to be your husband. Then, a few years later – if you’re lucky again – you give birth to a child that granted you don’t really know at all. And suddenly you forget all about the one you’ve chosen and become all consumed with a complete stranger.
In any event, I was called to shoot my husband for this 52 week project for reasons I didn’t fully understand in the beginning. But now, 52 weeks later, the reason for the calling is clear: A reminder, perhpas, that I chose him. And I’m oh-so-glad I did.
I love you, Willy. Thanks for letting me put my camera in your face or behind your back or over your head. You’re a real trooper.
Not sure what I’m going to shoot for next year’s project. I gather I have a week to think about it.
You can check out the complete series by clicking here.

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My Everyday

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Childhood Unplugged

Recovering from my spinal fusion has meant a lot of time spent indoors. The whole notion of getting out, unplugging, and adventuring sounds both dreamy and worlds away. I’ve had to change the way I parent in an effort to adapt to my limitations.
The other day, my sister drove us to the art store and I picked up some fun activities to do with the boys. I’ve also started asking Hooper to help me around the house, which feels a bit child laborish, but truthfully he has really enjoyed. I’m kidding, entirely, about child labor. I think the sooner you get them involved in all that it takes to keep a house running, the better. Chores he has been helping with: emptying the dishwasher, filling Sarah’s bowl with food and water, and sweeping up messes on the floor. He has yet to tell me “no” and seems to enjoy it all more than any grown-up I know.
What kind of chores do you have your kids do around the house? How did you unplug this month?
Check out the image I chose this month, along with the images my fellow photographers picked, by clicking on the Childhood Unplugged icon below.
*Are you on instagram? I had the best time taking over the @childhoodunplugged account last week. Tag your photos with #childhoodunplugged for a chance to be featured.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
Things came to a head yesterday. My recovery has been hard on all of us and our fuel tanks are running on low. So we went on a family drive. Hooper fell asleep within minutes and Van watched the world go by as Willy and I let it all out. Mid-fight we stopped at the top of Topanga to watch the sunset over the valley. And when we felt like we found a common ground, we stopped for dinner. By the time we walked back in the door of our home, our hearts and bellies were full. Went to

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sleep feeling grateful, though still struggling with impatience as I continue on the road of recovery.

Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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A portrait of my husband, once a week, every week, in 2013.
The weather here in southern California has finally cooled. The wind has been blowing wildly reminding me how grateful I am as I lay recuperating in bed with a solid roof over my head.
This morning, Willy made breakfast complete with hot chocolate with whipped cream on top.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.
You can check out other posts in the series here.

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