Raising kids has provided me the opportunity to recognize and break certain patterns and cycles. I’ve learned that my first thought isn’t always right; instead, it’s usually a reactionary impulse that’s a derivative of childhood and / or societal conditioning. When my kids are struggling with their emotions, as humans do, my first thought is…
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Yesterday Hooper turned 12. Two days before that I was swapping out things in the boys’ closets and realized that I need to transition from kid-sized hangers to adult size hangers. Adult sized hangers. I grabbed some extra hangers from the garage and started putting his laundry away for him; which is something I rarely…
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Today would have been my 13th wedding anniversary. Instead I went on a first date last night that went okay. It’d be a happier ending to say it went fantastic as if it’s a new beginning. But it’s probably not and that’s okay, too. I have a flame ignited in me today that makes me…
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It’s funny looking back on this season of life and motherhood; in the throws of Covid, one year post divorce, one year before losing my dad. Sometimes motherhood can feel so permanent, like the phase you’re in is never going to end. Some phases are rough and you’re practically willing them along and others are…
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I want to share more of my dating life because the opportunity for self-expansion (and just pure entertainment) is vast. Also because I think relationships are the best mirrors and therefore wonderful opportunities for observation, which can lead to acceptance and then to growth, if we let it. I read about the concept of an…
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