I’m 41 years old today. I feel indifferent, which is how I feel most every year on my birthday. This year, I’m excusing that feeling knowing that this time, last year, I was racing home in hopes of getting to say goodbye to my dad for the last time. In recovery we learn about God’s…
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This time, last year | Maui 2021 A Collection of images.
It’s hard for me to keep up with this space even though my heart lives and beats in these posts. I can scroll back and see my story unfolding, my evolution and it keeps me going. I often find myself reflecting back as finding the time to write in the moment is a luxury…
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“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” — Mary Oliver
Society has told me that this is the age I need to fear, the age when I need to start investing in “anti-aging” (as if that’s an actual thing), the age when things start heading downhill, the age when we wish we were young again, the age of midlife crises when some of us may…
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