In my healing journey, the notion of a higher power is one that has been suggested to me many times and one I’ve grappled with and struggled to let in. Having been raised agnostic, I grew up believing I controlled my own destiny. I’ve learned that while I certainly have a part, there’s much that’s not…
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I’ve definitely found a groove in single motherhood, an appreciation even, but the last few days have been challenging and I’m voicing it here so I can let it go and to let those who can relate know that I see them. I had 48 hours without the boys, which is always bittersweet. It’s a…
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I was doing some summer reading comprehension with the boys the other day and we read a story where there was a prince and a princess and a witch and the witch had cast a spell on the princess’ hair and it was ultimately the prince who saved her by helping to provide what was…
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Keds reached out to collaborate with The Bee & The Fox, which was awesome. They just forwarded me the following coupon code, ASHLEY20 for anyone that wants to purchase anything from their site for 20% off. The code is active through the remainder of the year.
Dear Van, I can’t believe it was eight years ago today that I was in the back of an ambulance on my way to the hospital. A birth that didn’t go as planned, highlighting what I know to be eight-years-later of just another opportunity in motherhood – but really, in life – where there is nothing…
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