A portrait of my family once a month in 2017
Willy: Wore a Canadian tuxedo to a wedding, complete with a bolo tie (straight from the kids’ closet) and somehow I forgot to take a single picture.
Hooper: Told me that on really hot days you can rub spit all over yourself. Works just like sunscreen, he says. Then he demonstrated.
Van: Dropped my external hard drive on the brick floor, rendering it useless. Ho hum.
Sonny: Has had a long time desire (relatively speaking anyway) to brush his teeth and finally got his own toothbrush. A week later, I found him stirring urine in the toilet with it.
Also, voted worse to sit next to at a restaurant causing willy and I to rock-paper-scissor-it-out to determine who has sit near him.
Me: Somehow have avoided taking the kids to school, thanks in much part to wonderful neighbors and a handsome-works-from-home husband.
Jimmie: Isn’t put off by the bleach tablets we put in the toilet, though his liver might be.