I wrote some resolutions last year around this time. I had just started this blog and they were kinda silly and arguably cliche. Upon reading them, I thought, yeah yeah, I resolve to do that again this year. Turns out things like “eat better” require a complete lifestyle change. And well, making ten lifestyle changes is a hard thing to do. Since becoming a mom, I’ve realized the importance in setting small goals. If you don’t, you’ll spend every day beating yourself up for being such a loser.
So I’m keeping the resolutions to a minimum this year.
Last year, I resolved to work out. Do some yoga. That sorta thing. I did prenatal yoga throughout my pregnancy with Hooper. I did none with Van. Time wouldn’t allow. So, this resolution was a total flunk. I’m recycling this resolution again this year but am altering it. I have something planned later in the year that I’m not ready to talk about but it requires that I strengthen my abdominal and leg muscles. Considering my abdominal muscles are still separated from carrying my second over nine pound baby, this is no easy feat. Wish me luck.
I almost burst into a full blown giggle when I read that I resolved to buy a bigger home last year. Granted, we did look. We even put an offer down for one home and it didn’t work out. Ultimately we decided it would be more financially responsible to stay where we are. So I’m resolving to love the home I’m in. There are a few things I’m excited to change in the interior, so there’s that to look forward to. Which reminds me of the kitchen remodel tour I promised way back when and room tours of the boys’ rooms. Yes, yes, yes, I resolve to share those too.
I kept my resolution last year to continue blogging and I’m glad I did. The blogging community continuously inspires me. Building this blog has helped me grow too and part of me feels overcome with the same creative spirit that carried my wandering soul in my early 20’s. Errr ::scratches head:: That comment makes me feel kinda old. Scratch that early 20’s shit and lets leave it at I love the creative energy this blog brings me on a personal level.
Hope everyone had a fancy dance New Years. Feel free to share your resolutions as well, I’d love to hear.

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