And one more new-to-me item, for the home, not thrifted, from this talented artist. I bought two and I love them both.
A Trinket, A Tasket
Willy and I spent the better half of the morning in Ventura the other weekend and hit up the local flea market and then booked it over to Main street to browse the thrift stores. My parents were nice enough to take Hooper for the afternoon. Willy isn’t your typical husband when it comes to shopping, instead, he’s a rather good counterpart, co-conspirator, and he gets just as excited by a good find as I do. This is part of the reason our garage is bursting at the seams with stuff awaiting to be placed or sold. We’ve never sold anything, but we buy a lot with the intention of re-selling it. It’s just stuff we fall in love in with, have no where to put, and can’t live without. Anyway, here’s some of the stuff we picked up:
An AM/FM clock radio in working condition (score!). We put it in Hooper’s new room. 
Glass bowl. This was something Willy couldn’t live without. I like it too. 
A random assortment of block letters. There were a few letters I needed more of. Collection complete. 
Plastic plates, for the kiddos. 
This is just a fraction of some of the records we picked up to add to our collection.
Salt n’ Pepper shakers, because who could pass on either of these sets?
This 16 Volume set of Home Handyman awesomeness. Again, something Willy insisted on having. I didn’t hesitate for a second. I have fantasies of him using them to actually make something (hint, hint Willy!)
An assortment of vintage books from a couple different thrift stores. 
This mid-century teak lamp. 
A handmade pillow. Sarah almost chewed this up. A corner has been nibbled on, but whatever, it’s intact. 
I don’t drink anything out of a mug, with the exception of hot chocolate in the winter, but I couldn’t pass up on this beauty. It was fifty cents. 

These vintage outfits that came with matching diaper covers.
A Trinket, A Tasket
Willy, Hooper, and I headed out to Arizona the other weekend to visit with Willy’s side of the family. You can browse through pics from our last visit there here, here, and here. I didn’t manage to take a single picture this time and I’m not sure why. Maybe it was that toddler that had his hands into everything or maybe it was just my pregnancy laziness. Not that I have nothing to show of the trip… Because I came back with plenty of loot. Browsing the thrift stores with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law has become one of my favorite things to do there. They know all the good spots. Here’s what I collected:
An adorable Raggedy Andy doll that now accompanies Hooper to bed. Cutest thing ever! 
These children records. And yes, you saw it correctly, Puff the Magic Dragon is included. Boo-Ya!
This vintage book about a boy having his tonsils removed. My nurse instincts kicked in immediately and I had to have it.
This adorable fishing crewel. Thought it would be cute in either of the boys’ rooms.
I stumbled upon this table runner at a Goodwill and couldn’t think of anywhere to put it, but for pennies on the dollar I couldn’t resist. I’ll make it work somewhere or I’ll make something cool with it. This, I promise. 
Gotta love a mickey mouse plate. It appears to be handmade. Also found at Goodwill.
I walked by this little cowboy, said “howdy”, he said “howdy” back and from that point on, I knew I was going to take him home with me. Also found at the Goodwill.
If you get something with Micky Mouse, you have to get something with Donald Duck. That’s a rule somewhere, no?
I plan on drilling holes in the bottom of these and planting plants in them. I got the idea from here.
Glass jars. A buck a piece. Beat that you overpriced Mason jars.
Mid-Century lamps. They came as a pair. I’m putting one in Hooper’s room and the other will have a nice home in the garage until a new home is found for it.
This pink Mexican blanket. One of my favorite finds, again, from the Goodwill. A lovely beach blanket. It lives in the back of my car now. 
And some random clothing for the boys. I’m in love with that little plaid romper. And I’m quite fond of the Icelandic shirt, though I assure you, Willy and I are not Icelandic. Not even our mailman is Icelandic so don’t draw any wild conclusions.
A Trinket, A Tasket