Bits + Pieces

Snapshots from our week…

Hooper has started making teeth indentations on his crib rail. I saw our crib used on craigslist a while back and it looked like a little wood pecker slept in it. Now I know why // Hooper worked on perfecting his fork usage. If only he’d be more agreeable to what went on the fork // We broke it down to Jiminy Cricket tunes… again and again. Seriously, this record is the cutest // Sarah had what we refer to as a “bim bom” day. You know, those days when you lounge around and if you get up at all you choose to skip instead of walk because the world is just that jolly // Hooper’s first molar finally made it’s presence. It was preceded by a weeks worth of snot. A lot of snot. The thought of dehydration crossed my mind. Okay, I’m teasing, but really, there was a lot of snot // Hooper ate a full plate of healthy food. And yes, he picked the cheese off first before he really chowed down. (Hooper, I like your style) // I tried mixing strawberries (one of his favorite) with cottage cheese. He didn’t like it. But he did like playing with it between his fingers. And then rubbing it on his belly. And ultimately Sarah was one the one who really scored. She usually does // I found these mushroom canisters and fell in love instantly // Still obsessed with my banana pancakes // And Sarah’s still obsessed with watching any of us eat just about anything // Some vintage books came in a package in the mail for Hooper from Grandma Vickie (thanks!!) // Hooper finally sat down in his bath. He usually stands up. And eventually tries to climb out. He also learned how to make his bath toys squirt water. I got wet // And lastly, Hooper made some important phone calls. For all those mother’s with cute daughters out there, be forewarned.
Happy Friday! And a special thanks to Bleubird for inviting her readers to participate in this post series.

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