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A family portrait, once a week, every week in 2015
Willy: The New Year always brings new work related and financial stresses, so he’s been sleeping a little less and on edge a little more. He’s also wearing Van’s beanie because apparently he cares what you think about his unkempt hair. He got a trim yesterday. I’ll put money on the fact he’s not man enough to grow it out and will end up shaving it again. Can you tell we’ve been there, done that?
Hooper: In true firstborn fashion, has been whispering sweet manipulative things into Van’s ear; like the other day when I heard him say, “Van, pee in your pants”, or yesterday when he whispered, “Go hit Mama”. He was “star of the week” at preschool this week; clearly not for aforementioned behavior. The “star” became quite the point of contention when I had to take it away because he kept hitting Van. He’s sleeping with that little star as I type this..
Van: In true second born fashion, will listen to just about anything Hooper says. And so, I got hit when Hooper told him to hit me. Luckily I intervened before he peed in his pants. He also discovered how to use the camera remote, as evidenced by the first photo. Also looks like he got in a fight with a cat, compliments of that firstborn I just wrote about.
Me: Worked a 17 hour long day in the hospital on Monday (too many nurses out with the flu) and got watery eyes when my confused elderly patient wanted me to call her mom to let her know she was safe. Made me think of my boys growing old one day and still needing me, far beyond the years they have me. Also made me grateful for my own mom.
Jimmie: Is within a 5 foot radius of me, always. Except for when the boys are getting ready for bed; he senses it coming and beats us up to their room, every time. He likes to curl into a ball on Van’s bed and hang out while we read books and get dressed.
Weekly resolutions: We made our bed everyday this week. Willy fell off the wagon a few times, but I was able to pick up the slack. I think I’m more dedicated to these weekly resolutions than he is. Also, I don’t think anyone benefited more than Jimmie to having our bed made each day. By mid-afternoon, you could find him curled at the top of a neatly made bed, sunk into the pillows. Being a dog, you know, ain’t a bad life.

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6 Responses

  • Congrats on making your bed every day this week! That’s definitely something I need to work on. In my head, I say, “If no one’s going to see it and I don’t care, what does it matter?” But then I have to admit how wonderfully cozy it is to slide into a made bed. Also, it would bring tears to my eyes if I heard an elderly patient say that, too. It’s a true reminder that mothers mean the world to everyone.

    • A made bed simply makes the room look cleaner. And I’ve found that it encourages me to keep the rest of the room clean. I hope I can keep it up. And yes, moms are the best.

  • We’re going to try our “once monthly” family portrait tomorrow…I haven’t broken the news to my husband or the kids yet, hoping that if I just spring it on them, they’ll be less likely to put up too much of a fight! haha!

    That is a precious nursey story…I still think I would love to be a nurse one day! Do you enjoy it?

    Love, light, and hugs!

    • It’s a really, really hard job. I enjoy it much for things I get out of it, but it’s really, really hard — both physically and mentally. Too much on the topic to write here, but email me if you want to hear more 😉 Good luck with your monthly portraits!

  • I’m lovin’ these. I was able to capture my son, husband, and two dogs in one this week but it looks like such a mess.
    I’ve taken some inspiration from you in trying to post more than one picture each week. 🙂

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