Childhood Unplugged

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Some blocks, some tunes, some fighting. Am I the only one that finds unplugging the hardest to do while at home? It’s like we’re all comfortable with our in-home routine; some cartoons, some scrolling through things on my phone, etc. But it’s nice to shake that up every now and again and join my boys in an activity. I’ve been trying to do more of this lately; I suppose we all are. It hit home when a reader of my blog mentioned feeling like a ghost in her own home because I can totally relate. In this New Year, I hope to unplug with my boys even more and even more so within our own home. How have you been unplugging as of late?
Please join me in supporting the other photographers participating in the Childhood Unplugged movement by clicking here to see all our submissions. You can also follow us on instagram (@childhoodunplugged) and be sure to use #childhoodunplugged for a chance to be featured on our Instagram feed.childhooduplugged1

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6 Responses

  • Your posts always persuade me to slow down, drink in your images, and be still. I love these moments that you photograph so exquisitely. Unplugging is something that I seek to do often with my future children. I was just thinking yesterday how infrequently children go outside anymore (generally). It has to be doing something to our biologies, right? Screen time is slowly killing inspiration and creativity for those little ones who spend all day mindlessly playing games or watching TV. There’s so much power in Lincoln Logs, building with blocks, collecting leaves in the forest, picking flowers, etc. Thank you for this reminder 🙂

    Circus & Bloom

  • lovely.
    most of our unplugging is done at home this time of year being in Cincinnati. it’s either too cold or too gloomy/muddy to go outside, my excuses, i know. i should go outside more….once we move, i tell myself…if we had more snow i would totally be down, but we don’t, so…
    it is hard to find the time when everything else needs to be done around here, but when i do it’s a beautiful thing. some of my best memories with my son are the ones we have made at home. everything else can wait. i have been letting him help with more since reading one of you posts and he loves it. dishes, laundry, feeding the dogs, taking out the garbage (he has always done this because he loves garbage trucks), simple every day moments that have turned into memories because i slowed down and let him help. home should be his playground. i want him to have freedom to explore and learn here. not expect every day to be a trip out.
    or maybe that’s just my introvert ways talking, but he’s the same, so we’re okay to stay home some. he does get stir crazy after too many days inside. heading to the museum tomorrow. that is if he ever goes to sleep tonight…

    grown-up unplugging is important too. 🙂

  • So much harder to unplug at home but I find that when we do, my son very quickly learns how to engage in undirected play. Just one 5 minute show takes us back to square one. I really need to be strong and resist the temptation to switch stuff on so I can do stuff because it’s hard for me to break the habit. Quite often it’s one step forward and two steps back but I’m working on it. Hopefully I’ll crack it one day.

    • I agree. That’s why unplugging at home is even harder — because we’re always wanting to clean up or get something done. I’m the say way. The struggle is real, or so they say.

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