Bolga Baskets

The other day, as I was cleaning up the house, I thought about just how useful the two bolga baskets we have are. I use them constantly for numerous things; so-much-so that I the thought occurred to me the other day that I ought to write a post about it. Because perhaps what’s useful to me may be useful for you, too.
Bolga baskets are like vinegar – there has to be a least 101 uses. Here’s what I use mine for, on a daily basis:
-Cleaning. Because we live in a multi-level home, I dedicate one basket to the boys room and one basket to our room when I’m cleaning downstairs. They get filled quickly with things like shoes and books and lotions. When each basket is full, I carry them upstairs and unload them. I then put things in the basket from upstairs that belong downstairs. It’s like my very own levy system. I also use them to clean out the car.
-Beach. I throw everything we need for the beach into one of the baskets; a blanket, snacks, sunscreen, etc. Best part is that when we return, the sand shakes out with a few simple slaps to the bottom of the basket.
-School. Every time Hooper has a school event and I need to bring something (i.e., holiday cookies, marshmallows for gingerbread houses, apples for a Thanksgiving feast) I use one of the baskets. It worked out awesome over Christmas when I brought it full of cookies to hand out and left with it filled with all of Hooper’s Christmas artwork and other goodies.
-Grandma’s house. Whenever my parents watch the boys, I load the basket with their blankets (in hopes they will nap), a change of clothes, shoes, and a jacket.
-Traveling. It’s true; If we’re going somewhere just for a couple days, I just throw a few outfits into the basket.
-Blanket holder. When we’re not shoveling shit between homes or different levels of our home, I use them to hold stuff by the front door; blankets, mostly, but also umbrellas, the dog leash, and that sorta stuff.
-Toys. I also use whichever one is empty to store toys or books in. The toys or books get taken out and strewn about rather quickly, so it’s never a permanent home, but when I’m done cleaning up, I will use one for storage.
As I write this, I’m thinking “Ashley, this is a dumb post” because really a paper bag from the grocery store could theoretically do the same thing. But every time I use the baskets, I’m always having a conversation in my head about how useful they are. I love that they are round and deep; you can see everything you put into it so it’s easy to pull stuff out and know where everything is (not like a bag where you have to go fishing to find what you’re looking for). They’re also so well constructed; I’m fairly certain I could run the thing over with my car and it’d still bounce right back to it’s usual shape. They can withstand water and sand; total pluses when you live by the beach.
We bought ours at the Long Beach Flea Market for something like $25, I think. I did a quick etsy search and found this shop that’s based in Ghana (I love this basket and this u-shaped one as well) . When I read more about the shop, I kinda beat myself over the head for not ordering one from here first. Such a great way to support the local craft workers in Ghana.
Now I should probably get off my butt and start picking up all the crap that’s made it’s way to the floor, right?

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2 Responses

  • Ha! I saw these in one of your shots from your last trip to Palm Springs on the dresser. I thought wow, those look awesome, now I know they are and where to get one for myself! Definitely not a bumb post!

  • right now mine is holding all my yarn. but i also take it to the farmers market in the summer. and i’d use it to sell my macrame and found pottery to a shop in the Pearl that used to buy from me. they look so great anywhere in the house. love them!

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