iPhone shots “most liked” from 2015

IGfavoritesHave you noticed how seemingly curated instagram has become? So many galleries seem to mirror one another; the Christmas garland, for instance, was starting to make me puke. That’s not to say it’s not beautiful, it is. I just can’t help but think that some people go out and go to the hassle of caring for that kinda thing for the sole purpose of it appearing in their feed. Maybe I’ve become too cynical. Whatever the case may be, I haven’t had the best of tastes left in my mouth from instagram these days.

I really value the images I capture with my phone and though I post a few from my blog that are shot with my DSLR, I wanted to take a moment to look back on images captured with my iPhone, all shot in 2015 and edited with the VSCO app. A reminder to myself, and maybe to you too, that it’s not all about professional photography and well-curated feeds. Sometimes the raw and cheap can be just as beautiful and memorable.

Can you tell the difference between DSLR shots versus iPhone shots that show up in your feeds? Do you care? What do you shoot with most?

4 Responses

  • Almost a year ago, I called it quits on social media. It just left me feeling so heavy. Sometimes I miss Instagram and keeping up with people, but overall, I am so incredibly happy about my choice that I haven’t gone back. My life is much better without it. I know some people can keep it in check and have a healthy relationship with social media, but I just don’t have that personality. I also cut way back on the amount of blog reading I do, too – I only keep up with the work that inspires me and feels authentic and true. Hence why I am here visiting this space on a weekly basis. As for what I shoot with, I am absolutely terrible at taking photos with my phone. I am too strongly attached to the manual setting on my DSLR and the creative control it gives me to really give my phone a chance so I lug around my first Sony DSLR in my purse for pull-off-the-road-and-grab-that-shot moments.

    • Knowing yourself and what’s best for you is the best gift of all — and you seem to know your own boundaries really well. I’ve cut down on blog reading as well — I think a lot opt for the more instant stuff than to take the time to click over to someones blog and read a lengthy post. And I feel ya… if I see a great shot on my phone, I’d rather run and grab my DSLR… and nothing pisses me off more than when I get a great shot on my phone but don’t have my DSLR with me to get the same shot with the better quality / settings… But I do love how easy shooting on my phone is and it does enable me to capture shots or moments that I might not have otherwise captured…

  • Oh Hello! I am the opposite (cf Ashley’s comment above). I am a new Instagramer (and I am not 12, rather in my 30’s!). Knowing my attraction for photography, some friends had been telling me for a few years that I would love IG and I think this is what kept me away from it….I had a personal Facebook already and did not want to “waste” more time looking at more feeds from more people from more social networks. I know myself and I know I can get addicted to things. Slightly obsessional here. Then I started a little blog of mine, then I started a fun little online business, then I found myself getting an IG account (didn’t even know that you could only post photos from your phone!! That’s how good at it I was, oh and I finally got to understand the hashtag thing…duh!). And because I went W I L D and C R A Z Y , i even got 2 accounts! One for my little business and one for my blog which turned out to be a great creative discipline and finally got me to take the plunge deeper into the photography world. Anyways. Sorry I didn’t mean to write so much! But here’s my thought on IG as a newcomer : at first I didn’t love it, not at all. I didn’t care looking at poor photos of someone’s lunch/butt/newhaircut/dog/younameit. I was not trying to be snobbish but these would already be common on fb. Until I started looking at feeds from blogs I like to follow and from there I discovered quite an interesting/inspiring world. I don’t care whether the photos are taken by professional photographers, Iphoners or Dslers. I love the spontaneous creativity in documenting a life, a passion. Some feeds are so beautifully curated, it’s like having access to a private Art gallery. Some feeds aren’t as well curated but there’s an emotion coming from them because the photographer is true to her/his-self. It’s hard to describe but I would say that I don’t think we need to ask ourselves too many questions about the way things should be done (Life holds so many questions on an everyday basis already), but rather let our hearts guide us and emotions touch us. I do believe that raw and cheap is beautiful, whatever brings precious memories to your life is beautiful. All of the Iphone photos you posted above look well curated to me, because you have a great eye and a delicate aesthetic (and I am guessing an open heart) whether you try for it or not, beautiful is what will come out of you whether shooting with an iPhone or a dslr. And to answer your question : I shot mostly with my dslr because I have one of those Life Proof casing on my Iphone and I can’t seem to be able to keep the lens clean for long 😉 although the first year of my son was solely documented with my phone as I had no camera (slightly frustrating looking back at it). And like Ashley, I got myself a smaller Sony dslr that I can easily carry around with me. This year has been all about exploring photography for me. Okay, off to my bed and snoring boys now!

    • I agree with everything you shared and appreciate your perspective as a newcomer to instagram. I don’t mind the curated feeds either — I mean sure there’s a certain degree of sameness to some of them but they obviously do what they do well or I wouldn’t follow them. And I too post DSLR shots when I share images from my blog, so I can’t say I mind or care where images come from… but… there is this flip side that I struggle with… ultimately though, I don’t have the time or energy to really care who posts what or what they shot it with. I hardly have the time to scroll through my feed; much of the time I post and exit… In any event, it’s interesting to hear others opinions, as lots have lots to say. Thank you for your comment.

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