Happy Birthday, Hooper

Dear Hooper,

The days, they say, can be so long – filled with chaos and shuffling and rushed lunch packing – and yet the years, they warn, go so fast. It’s how everyone said it would be only our story is ours and ours alone. I remind you often that I dreamed of you before I had you. It was always you I longed for. And today, you turn nine. NINE.

You wore your overalls to school backwards this week because you thought it was cool. You’re confident and self-aware. Loving your time alone, you’re often the first to rise. You do your homework independently and get annoyed when I forget to sign it, irritated that I need a reminder. You love to make people laugh and aspire to be the class clown.

You have great social awareness and ask all the hard questions; questions about your Papa and I’s divorce, questions about politics, questions about why things are the way they are. I don’t have all the answers and I’m honest with you about that. I hope you never stop asking and never stop searching.

Stay courageous. Stay inquisitive. Stay confident. And stay rooted in yourself.

There is no honor so great as being your mom. Happy Birthday, my love. My light. My constant reminder to stay centered and continue my own growth. You are my inspiration. My reason. I love you.



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