Father’s Day

I’ve thought a lot about values as of late. I read something recently that said if you want to know what your values and priorities are, look to the last few weeks and see what your actions show you; how we spend our time, where we spend our money, the people we call, the books we read, the food we eat and so on and so forth all tell us something about ourselves, about our values and what we prioritize. This relationship between saying and doing has helped me so much in gaining a clear vision and understanding of myself, as well as of those around me.

Which brings me to my dad… a man that has forever shown me, not merely told me. A man who has accepted less for himself so he could provide more for my sister and I. A man that I’m happy to say I can go to for advice because I wholeheartedly trust his example.

He’s not perfect. He needs naps. He keeps tortilla chips in his pocket. He sometimes looks at me like my boys are savages. He’s referred to my home as appearing “lived in”. But he’s also picked up the windex and grabbed a towel to clean my dirty windows. And my boys ARE very savagy at times. And who doesn’t like to reach into their pocket and pull out a salty, crunchy tortilla chip topped with lint? And he’s much more patient with said savages when he’s had said nap. So ya, not perfect, but perfectly human.

Thank you, dad, for forever doing the work. Your willingness, your strength, your values… I see them clear as the sky.

And a shoutout to my mom, my rock, who worked so hard behind the scenes – often unacknowledged and under-represented – so that my sister and I could come away with the memories of our dad that we do.

I also want to make space today for anyone that may be triggered by Father’s Day. I know as a newly single mom that I stumble through parts of it. To anyone in the struggle, whatever your struggle may be, there’s space for you.


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