The day before…

This is the last picture I have of Sonny in my belly. He ended up being my biggest baby and my easiest birth. He weighed 10lbs, I labored for 45 minutes, and he was nearly born in the car and then nearly born in the elevator, and then born a mere 10 minutes after getting into a bed on the L&D unit. He was the only baby I didn’t plan on having at home and perhaps the only one I could have. Isn’t that the way life sometimes works — we have plans and then life intervenes. Labor is the best reminder that we’re not in control. In fact, in nursing school I remember learning that we still don’t actually know what causes labor to start; like we don’t know what causes that first domino to fall. Isn’t that amazing considering how much we do know? Life’s little secret; forever reminding us that things happen when they’re meant to, not when we want them to. And can’t that be applied to just about everything in life?


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