Yesterday, while we were playing basketball, you asked me, “Do you know what it means to be in your prime?” Before I could answer, you told me—“It means that you’re the best you’ve ever been.” Then, without hesitation, you added, “I’m definitely in my prime.” And then you sank a basket.
You’re right. Right now, in this moment, you are the best you’ve ever been. And what you don’t yet know is that you’re going to keep getting better.
I was thinking about what I wrote for your birthday last year, and so much of it revolved around your new ADHD diagnosis—although it was about much more than that. I reflected on the way you hold a mirror up to me in a way no one else can. It was through your diagnosis that I learned I shared the same one. It has been through watching where you struggle that I’ve come to better understand my own struggles too.
So much of growth—of healing, of becoming—is about learning to control what we can and letting go of the rest. And time and time again, I am reminded that I cannot control you any more than I can control anyone else—nor do I seek to. What I can do, however, is guide you. What I can do is model the growth I hope to see in you. And so, in the moments where you stumble, I try to focus on finding my own footing first. Because I’ve learned that the best way to help you is to help myself. The sooner I figure things out, the sooner I can show you how.
Sometimes I feel like I need to run five steps ahead, smoothing the road, covering sharp edges before you reach them. But I’ve learned that I can’t. That I shouldn’t. That one day, you’ll have to face life’s edges on your own. And the best thing I can give you isn’t a soft landing—it’s the inner strength to steady yourself when you fall.
We break. And we repair. Over and over again.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how behavior is a symptom. About how meltdowns don’t always signal brokenness, but safety—because we only come undone in the places that feel safe enough to hold us. Emotional regulation isn’t tidy—it’s messy. It’s breaking and rebuilding, over and over again. So I try to create a home where it’s safe to break. Where mistakes are welcome. Where we value understanding over compliance and collaboration over dominance. Obedience, I’ve observed, is only coveted if what one seeks is control. My goal is to help build you from the inside out—so that wherever you go, you know how to find yourself there.
If there’s one thing I know in my gut, it’s that kids with ADHD receive negative messaging far more than their peers. I, too, remember being told, Hurry up. Sit still. Get it together. Try harder. Catch up. Focus. Finish. Over and over again. I know what I needed more than direction was love. And so, I try to remember that when you’re struggling, what you likely need is not direction, but love. I dig to the bottom of the barrel often for more patience. And yes, sometimes I break. And yes, we always repair. Growth, I’ve learned, isn’t about perfection nor is it linear—it’s an endless series of breaking and rebuilding taller, stronger, and with more grace than the time before.
So on this day, Sonny, I want you to know that you are in your prime. You are the best you’ve ever been. And I bet you’ll be even more in your prime tomorrow than you are today.
I love you.
Happy birthday.